ifo Education Survey

Every year since 2014, we have been conducting the ifo Education Survey. This public opinion survey on education policy in Germany surveys about 4,000 participants who form a representative sample of the adult population in Germany on various topics of education policy.  The thematic focus of the ifo Education Survey varies from year to year. The first survey in 2014 provided a first picture of what Germans think about education policy. The second survey in 2015 showed that Germans are open for many fundamental educational reforms. The third survey in 2016 focused on the opinions of teachers and on education measures to integrate refugees. The fourth survey in 2017 focused on public opinion on digitalization in the education system and on trends in the opinions of various education policy topics over a period of four years. The fifth survey in 2018 covered opinions on gender issues and equal opportunities in education and for the first time surveyed the opinions of youths. The sixth survey in 2019 studied the opinion of Germans on educational inequality. The seventh survey in 2020 dealt with topics of educational federalism and the corona crisis. The eighth survey in 2021 covered education policies to address societal challenges during and after Covid-19. The ninth survey in 2022 asked Germans about their opinions on lifelong learning, structural change, and the shortage of skilled workers, as well as on education measures to integrate Ukrainian refugees. The tenth survey in 2023 is dedicated to the topic of school quality.

Non-technical contribution:

Public Opinion on Education Policy in Germany (with P. Lergetporer and K. Werner). In:  M.R. West, L. Woessmann (eds.), Public Opinion and the Political Economy of Education Policy around the World. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 205-243, 2021

Results of the ifo Education Survey

Here you can learn more about my research on this topic.

Selected academic papers using data of the ifo Education Survey: 

Income Contingency and the Electorate’s Support for Tuition (with P. Lergetporer). CESifo Working Paper 9520 / IZA Discussion Paper 14991, January 2022 [tweet]

Earnings Information and Public Preferences for University Tuition: Evidence from Representative Experiments (with P. Lergetporer). Journal of Public Economics 226: 104968, 2023 [tweet]

Educational Inequality and Public Policy Preferences: Evidence from Representative Survey Experiments (with P. Lergetporer and K. Werner). Journal of Public Economics 188: 104226, 2020

How Information Affects Support for Education Spending: Evidence from Survey Experiments in Germany and the United States (with P. Lergetporer, G Schwerdt, K. Werner, and M.R. West). Journal of Public Economics 167: 138-157, 2018

Does Ignorance of Economic Returns and Costs Explain the Educational Aspiration Gap? Representative Evidence from Adults and Adolescents (with P. Lergetporer and K. Werner). Economica 88 (351): 624-670, 2021 [tweet] [video]

My GESIS Lecture on "The Political Economy of Education Policy: Results from the ifo Education Survey":

MIT Press book on the role of public opinion for a comparative political economy of education:

Public Opinion and the Political Economy of Education Policy around the World (edited with M.R. West). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021 [tweet]

Additional material is available in German.

Annual publication of results of the ifo Education Survey in German:

Was denken die Deutschen zu Chancenungleichheit im Bildungssystem? (with K. Werner, V. Freundl, F. Pfaehler, and K. Wedel). ifo Schnelldienst 76 (11): 33-39, 2023 [tweet]

Wie unterscheidet sich das Meinungsbild zu Schulen zwischen den deutschen Regionen? Regionale Ergebnisse des ifo Bildungsbarometers 2023 (with K. Werner, V. Freundl, F. Pfaehler, and K. Wedel). ifo Schnelldienst 76 (10): 29-34, 2023 [tweet]

Was die Deutschen über die Qualität der Schulen denken – Ergebnisse des zehnten ifo Bildungsbarometers 2023 (with K. Werner, V. Freundl, F. Pfaehler, and K. Wedel). ifo Schnelldienst 76 (9): 37-50, 2023 [tweet]

Bildungspolitische Maßnahmen zur Integration der Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine – Was die Deutschen befürworten (with V. Freundl, F. Kugler, K. Wedel, and K. Werner). ifo Schnelldienst 75 (9): 70-74, 2022

Deutsche befürworten Weiterbildung, um mit dem Strukturwandel Schritt zu halten – Ergebnisse des ifo Bildungsbarometers 2022 (with V. Freundl, F. Kugler, P. Lergetporer, K. Wedel, and K. Werner). ifo Schnelldienst 75 (9): 56-69, 2022

Bildungspolitik zur Bewältigung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen während und nach Corona – Ergebnisse des ifo Bildungsbarometers 2021 (with V. Freundl, E. Grewenig, P. Lergetporer, and K. Werner). ifo Schnelldienst 74 (9): 27-40, 2021

Deutsche sind für mehr Einheitlichkeit und Vergleichbarkeit im Bildungssystem – Ergebnisse des ifo Bildungsbarometers 2020 (with P. Lergetporer, V. Freundl, E. Grewenig, and K. Werner). ifo Schnelldienst 73 (9): 40-48, 2020

Bildung in der Coronakrise: Wie haben die Schulkinder die Zeit der Schulschließungen verbracht, und welche Bildungsmaßnahmen befürworten die Deutschen? (with V. Freundl, E. Grewenig, P. Lergetporer, K. Werner, and L. Zierow). ifo Schnelldienst 73 (9): 25-39, 2020

Was die Deutschen über Bildungsungleichheit denken: Ergebnisse des ifo Bildungsbarometers 2019 (with P. Lergetporer, E. Grewenig, S. Kersten, F. Kugler and K. Werner). ifo Schnelldienst 72 (17): 27-41, 2019

Was denken die Deutschen zu Geschlechterthemen und Gleichstellung in der Bildung? Ergebnisse des ifo Bildungsbarometers 2018 (with P. Lergetporer, E. Grewenig, S. Kersten, and K. Werner). ifo Schnelldienst 71 (17): 15-30, 2018

Denken Jugendliche anders über Bildungspolitik als Erwachsene? (with P. Lergetporer, E. Grewenig, S. Kersten, and K. Werner). ifo Schnelldienst 71 (17): 31-45, 2018

Fürchten sich die Deutschen vor der Digitalisierung? Ergebnisse des ifo Bildungsbarometers 2017 (with Philipp Lergetporer, Elisabeth Grewenig, Franziska Kugler, and Katharina Werner). ifo Schnelldienst 70 (17): 17-38, 2017 

Denken Lehrkräfte anders über die Bildungspolitik als die Gesamtbevölkerung? Ergebnisse des ifo Bildungsbarometers 2016 (with P. Lergetporer, F. Kugler, and K. Werner). ifo Schnelldienst 69 (17): 19-34, 2016 

Bildungsmaßnahmen zur Integration der Flüchtlinge – Was die Deutschen befürworten (with P. Lergetporer, F. Kugler, and K. Werner). ifo Schnelldienst 69 (17): 35-43, 2016 

Deutsche sind zu grundlegenden Bildungsreformen bereit – Ergebnisse des ifo Bildungsbarometers 2015 (with P. Lergetporer, F. Kugler, L. Oestreich, and K. Werner). ifo Schnelldienst 68 (17): 29-50, 2015 

Was die Deutschen über die Bildungspolitik denken – Ergebnisse des ersten ifo Bildungsbarometers (with P. Lergetporer, F. Kugler, and K. Werner). ifo Schnelldienst 67 (18): 16-33, 2014