Data of the ifo Education Survey

The ifo Education Survey (ifo Bildungsbarometer) is a representative opinion survey of the German voting-age population on education topics that has been conducted annually since 2014. It covers public preferences on a wide range of education policy issues ranging from early childhood education, schools, and apprenticeships to university education and life-long learning. The dataset comprises several survey experiments that facilitate investigating the causal effects of information provision, framing, and question design on answering behavior. 

The datasets of the first eight waves (2014-2021) of the ifo Education Survey are available for scientific use in the LMU-ifo Economics & Business Data Center (EBDC). The following article gives an overview of the survey content and methodology, describes the data, and explains how researchers can access the datasets of over 4,000 participants per wave:

The ifo Education Survey 2014-2021: A New Dataset on Public Preferences for Education Policy in Germany (with V. Freundl, E. Grewenig, F. Kugler, P. Lergetporer, R. Schüler, K. Wedel, K. Werner, and O. Wirth). Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik / Journal of Economics and Statistics 243 (6): 699-710, 2023