Preface 1

(Emperor Yong Le of thc Ming Dynasty )

I think the sole purpose why the Tathagatas expounded the teachings ofMahayana, disclosed multiple expedient Dharma-doors, preached hundreds and thousands of Sutras and Dharma, is none other than to deliver (hereafter takes the meaning of liberate) all sentient beings from falling into cvil karmic retribution.

The Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Sutra and Mantra are both the wisdom seals of all Tathagatas. They are vast, compassionate, profound and extremely rare, universally benefiting beings who are bewildered and lost. They are truly like a ferry across the vast ocean, the light of sun and rnoon in the darkness, and the food and drink for the starved.

If good men, good women and all sentient beings of the world resolve to cultivate the Bodhi mind, uphold, recite, wear or have this Dharani with them, they will receive limitless blessings and meritorious virtues and be eternally liberated from the sufferings of all evil destinies. AIl their evil karma accumulated from beginning-less time over billions of kalpas will be completely eradicated.

If one cultivates and upholds this Dharani diligently, one will receive the blessings and initiations (Abhiseka) from all thc Buddhas. One will be guarded and protected by devas and one's worldly blessings and longevity will be boundless. Such wonderful fruition and effect have been witnessed by me to be true.

I, the Emperor of China, feel pity that many of my subjects are obstinately attached to their deviant beliefs and practices without

realising that such doings are wrong and sinful and will only cause them to fall into evil destinies. This is truly pitiful and sad. Hence, I command that this Sutra and Mantra be propagated to innumerable lands, as many as the grains of sand of the Ganges River. May all sentient beings receive great benefits, their lifespan lengthen, blessings multiply and together they will attain Buddhahood.

Moreover, the Buddha had vowed to extensively deliver all sentient beings; priority will definitely be given to those who are loyal and those who are filial. Loyal officials and filial persons, born in a highly cultured and civilised country during the times of peace, will enjoy various kinds of prosperity and happiness, all because they have served their Emperor and parents to the best of their ability (in their previous existences). In addition, if they respect and revere the Triple Jewel, cultivate and accrue good deeds, then within a short time, they will ascend the Way to Enlightenment.

For those who commit evil deeds and are ignorant of mending their behaviour, their evil actions will get worse day by day. They accumulate great evil karma and are resigned to their own deterioration like people who have bathed in paint, truly difficult to be cleansed indeed. Having fallen into the dark phase, what causes could release them from the world of transmigration? If they can change for the better and cultivate based on this Dharma-door(uphold and recite this Dharani), then they will be able to transcend the uncountable kalpas of cycles of rebirth.

6th Ltinar Month, 9'h Year of Yong Le

Ming Dynasty 1411 AD