

Earth Store Bodhisattva. One of the greatest of the Bodhisattvas. He is renowned as foremost in vows. Also known as Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Eight adversities. The eight conditions under which it is difficult to meet Buddhas and Bodhisattvas or hear the Dharma:

1) Rebirth in the hells;

2) Rebirth as a hungry ghost;

3) Rebirth as an animal;

4) Rebirth in Uttarakuru (a world where life is so pleasant that people have no motivation to practise the Dharma);

5) Rebirth in any long-life heaven (where one is also not motivated to seek the Dharma);

6) Rebirth with impaired faculties;

7) Rebirth as an intelligent, educated person in the mundane sense (as such an individual often looks down on religion and on the Dharma); and

8) Rebirth in the intermediate period between a Buddha and his

successor (e.g. our current period). Thus, even rebirth under 'favourable' circumstances (fourth and seventh conditions, for example) may constitute adversity with respect to the BuddhaDharma.

Ekajati-pratibadha Bodhisattva. A Bodhisattva who is one lifetime away from Buddhahood. The best known example is the Bodhisattva Maitreya.

Evil paths. Three evil paths of hells, hungry ghosts, and animals.

Evil world of five turbidities. A name given to the world we live in. The five turbidities are:

1) turbidity of kalpas (time);

2) turbidity of views;

3) turbidity of afflictions;

4) turbidity of living beings;

5) turbidity of lifespans.

Expedient means. Wholesome provisional methods designed for

temporary use to help guide and encourage beings in their practice.