

Bhagavan. One of the ten titles that all Buddhas have. It means "WorldHonoured One".

Bhiksu. A fully ordained (having received 250 precepts) Buddhist monk. Bhiksu is a Sanskrit word that has three meanings:

  1. mendicant;
  2. frightener of Mara (the demon king); and
  3. destroyer of evil.

Bhiksuni. A fully ordained (having received 348 precepts) Buddhist nun. Bhiksuni has the same three meanings as Bhiksu.

Bodhi. Enlightenment.

Bodhimanda. A place where enlightenment is sought and attained; a Way place.

Bodhi Path. See Way to Enlightenment.

Bodhi resolve. A resolve to seek enlightenment by cultivating the spiritual path.

Bodhisattva, An enlightened being who does not enter Nirvana but chooses instead to remain in the world and save living beings.

Brahmin. A Brahman, member of the highest caste in India.

Buddha. A being who has attained the Unsurpassed, Proper and Equal, Right Enlightenment. Every Buddha has Three Bodies (Dharma, Reward and Transformatation); Four Wisdoms (the Wisdom of Accornplishing What Has to Be Done; Contemplative Wisdom, Equality Wisdom and Great Perfect Mirror Wisdom); Five Eyes (the Buddha, Dharma, Flesh, Wisdom and Heavenly Eyes); and Six Spiritual Penetrations (the Penetrations of the Heavenly Eye, the Heavenly Ear, the Knowledge of Others' Thoughts, the Knowledge of Past Lives, the Complete Spirit and Freedom from Outflows). There are ten epithets that all Buddhas have (Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha, Gifted in Knowledge and Conduct, Well-gone One, Knower of the Worlds, Unsurpassable Knight, Taming Hero, Teacher of Gods and People, Awakened One and World Honoured One).

Buddhahood. Enlightenment; Bodhi.

Buddhalands. Locations where Buddhas abide. As Bodhisattvas, they adorn these lands with their practices. At the level of Buddhahood, they abide in the lands and welcome beings to be reborn there.