Kalpa. See asamkhyeyas of eons.
Karma. This Sanskrit word means "deeds" or "what is done". Karma can be good, evil or neutral and is created by the body, mouth and mind. Seeds of karma are stored in the eighth consciousness and transmigrate with it until the appropriate rewards or retributions are undergone for those deeds done.
Kataputana. Foul-smelling demon, an extremely ugly demon. Ancient Indians believed that if any member of the Ksatriya clan committed evil behaviour, he would become a demon after death living in the Lower Realm, experiencing the suffering of a hungry ghost.
King Yama. The god of the dead.
Koti. A number defines as a hundred million.
Ksatriya. Royal caste, the second caste in the Indian caste systetn, a member of that caste.