

Nayuta. An extremely large number.

Nine types of life form. Include beings in four forms of birth (egg-born, born from a womb, moisture-born, and miraculously born), beings with form, without form, with perception, without perception, and with neither perception nor non-perception.

Nirvana. A Sanskrit word that is interpreted to mean "perfect stillness". There are four kinds of Nirvana:

1) Nirvana of the pure, clear self-nature. The self-nature is inherent in everyone-sages and ordinary beings alike -and is not subject to birth and death.

2) Nirvana with residue. One is still subject to share-section birth and death of the physical body and its lifespan.

3) Nirvana without residue. Share-section birth and death are ended, as are afflictions.

4) Nirvana of no dwelling. Wisdom and compassion interact and those who have attained this Nirvana continue to take beings across but are not subject themselves to birth and death.

Northern Buddhism. Also known as Mahayana Buddhism, the Great Vehicle. One of the two main traditions of Buddhism, the other being Theravada. Mahayana is now prevalent in the northeast area (China, Tibet, Mongolia, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, etc.). It expounds Bodhisattva practice as the means towards enlightenment of both oneself and others. Northern Buddhism is called Great Vehicle because its teachings are like a vast wagon capable of carrying many to release from rebirth. See also: Mahayana, Southern Buddhism.