

Pratyekabuddha. Pratyekabuddhas are holy sages who become enlightened by contemplating conditions. When there is a Buddha in the world, they are called Those Enlightened to Conditions. When there is no Buddha in the world, they are called Solitarily Enlightened Ones because they are able to become enlightened by themselves.

Precepts. The moral conduct set forth by the Buddhas. The precepts are rules that include:

1) restraints against immoral actions;

2) guidance in doing good; and

3) guidance in helping other beings.

There are five precepts (held for life), eight seclusion precepts (held

for periods of time), and Bodhisattva Precepts for laity; Ten or Shramanerika Precepts for novice monks and nuns; Ten Major and Forty-eight Minor Bodhisattva Precepts for monks and nuns; 250 Bhiksu Preceptsfor monks, and 348 Bhiksuni Precepts for nuns.

Puja. Offering in the form of flowers, incense, jewels, etc.

Pure Land. Generally, refers to pure places where Buddhas dwell. The lands are made pure by the power of the Buddhas' vows. Specifically, this term often refers to Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The Pure Land teaching emphasises the practice of constant mindfulness and recitation of Amitabha Buddha's name in order to be reborn in the Western Pure Land. See also: Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Putana. Smelly demon or stinking hungry demon. Also known as fever- or disease-causing demon. Externally, this demon has a pig-like appearance, and may cause children to cry and be frightened in their sleep.