My rant on Obion County

The following item was posted to firealert, usafire, firerad2, firerad2, sonofrcma, sonofrcma on December 18, 2011

<> - ( I like how Wikipedia presents their info - they give you a short blurb up top - if you want more info, you just have to continue reading )

I was thinking about the "pay to spray" controversy from Obion County Tennessee. I am trying to figure out why this is such a hot button item. This is what I have come up with.

The Obion County deal is a gross violation of the societal contract between the American people and the 911 / emergency response system.

In the USA, the societal contract concerning 911 might be characterized this way -

1. The public is expected to call 911 quickly when they are aware of an emergency. Callers are expected to be truthful, calm, aware of their approximate location, and familiar with the capabilities of the local response agencies. Callers are also expected to be familiar with the basics of American law, the problems caused by fires and disasters, and basic medical knowledge.

2. Callers are expected to call 911 quickly to minimize losses and maximize the success of the emergency responders.

3. Callers are not required to have any specific IQ level. Callers can be blind, deaf, or mute. Calls from people under the influence of drugs or intoxicants are accepted.

4. Callers are not required to be residents of the local area. Callers are not expected to be of a specific religion, social class, economic class, or political party.

A. Emergency responders are allowed to disregard various traffic laws, blow sirens, flash lights, enter private property, destroy property, remove peoples clothing, go thru personal belongings, restrain people, lie to people, assault people, and kill people if necessary.

B. Emergency responders are expected to sacrifice their life if required to save others. Responders are expected to be sober, well trained, and to treat victims as they wish their familys were to be treated.

C. Emergency responders expect that their loved ones will be taken care of if they have to give up their life.

D. Emergency responders do not want to be sued every time they turn around.

No one wants to be treated badly on a whim because someone is having a a bad day. No one wants to be part of a capricious system that decides who lives and who dies based on random chance. No one appreciates a system that is designed to fail 90% of the time (CPR) - or that is designed to let 50% of criminals escape - or let 20% of homes burn to the ground.

In Obion County, your house might burn to the ground - if you didnt pay the extra $50 - and if the local fire chief decides that your home is expendable. (Per 2008 Obion County fire proposal - several FDs only fight fires in subscribers homes "based on need" - whatever the heck that means in practice.) I wonder if any of the people who lost their homes have attorneys in the family?



IIRC I calculated that close to 20% of the households in Obion County are not paying for fire protection. I posed the question - are the good people of Obion County prepared to let 20% of the homes burn?