
Population Trends

What did we learn from the 2020 Census?

The Pew Research Center compiles data to inform the public about the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping the world. Check out these key highlights from Pew Center's latest report regarding the growth in the Hispanic population.

  • Hispanics are a driving force in U.S. population growth--especially over the last decade. Hispanics accounted for 51% of the 22.7 million population increase the U.S. saw from 2010 to 2020.

  • Texas, California, and Florida have seen the biggest increase in Hispanic population since 2010, with each state increasing its Hispanic population by more than a million. Texas saw the biggest increase at more than 2 million individuals; however, Hispanics make up California's largest racial or ethnic group with 15.6 million people.

  • About 42% of U.S. Hispanics 25 and older have attended college -- an increase from 36% in 2010. Hispanic enrollment in higher education increased to 3.6 million from 2.9 million.