Our Political


Personal Rights

What are our personal rights?

This 60-second podcast sums up what personal rights we have and what they are.

What's the difference between political rights and personal rights? Are they different?

According to the Annenberg Center at the University of Pennsylvania, a right is defined as a person's justifiable claim, protected by law, to act or be treated in a certain way. A political right, however, is one that recognizes one's freedom to participate in political structure, usually equated with citizenship. A personal right is a right over your own body, movement, privacy, and life.

A few political rights include:

  • right to vote
  • right to a fair trial
  • right to government services
  • right to public education

A few personal rights include:

  • right to life
  • right to liberty and freedom
  • right to pursuit of happiness
  • right to control what happens to your body and to make medical decisions for yourself

"We hold these truths to be self-evident--that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights."

--The Declaration of Independence