Ways To Be

Civically Engaged

What are some examples of ways citizens can participate? Check out these suggestions from Center for Civic Education:

  • Look for information in newspapers, magazines, and reference materials and judge its accuracy
  • Vote in local, state and national elections
  • Participate in a political discussion
  • Try to persuade someone to vote a certain way
  • Sign a petition
  • Wear a button or putting a sticker on the car
  • Write to elected representatives
  • Contribute money to a party of candidate
  • Attend meetings to gain information, discuss issues, or lend support campaigning for a candidate
  • Lobby for laws that you care about
  • Demonstrate through marches, boycotts, sit-ins, or other forms of protest
  • Serve as a juror
  • Run for office
  • Hold public office
  • Serve the country through military or other service