Defining Civic

What does "civic" mean, anyway?

Civic is defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary as of or relating to a citizen, citizenship, or community affairs

So why does that matter to me?

Preparing people to be voters, jurors, and active members of their communities was the original purpose of public education. Contrary to popular belief, Civic Youth’s survey and federal data indicate that nearly 90% of high school students take at least one civics class, and most states require civic education. A good civics education also teaches English/Language Arts and skills required for today’s workforce: collaboration, deliberation, public speaking, and more. The analysis of Civic Youth's data from the National Education Longitudinal Study shows that youth who have civic learning opportunities are more likely to follow a positive academic trajectory, which can include staying in school and preparing for college.

Still not convinced?

Check out this 60-second podcast on the importance of participation in civic life