Training Scenarios

Play a variety of different training scenarios for all the flyable Imperial fighter craft.

Note: These missions are designed to be played with TFTC Classic. Though they are also available in TFTC Reimagined, there are gameplay differences in Reimagined that may make them unbalanced or behave in unexpected ways. You have been warned!




TIE Fighter: Gunnery

Description: Learn the basics of TIE Fighter targeting and gunnery.

Player Craft: TIE Fighter

Default Warheads: N/A

TIE Fighter: Flight Leaders & Wingmen

Description: Learn about flight leaders and wingmen control as you help protect an Imperial depot from Rebel attack.

Player Craft: TIE Fighter

Default Warheads: N/A

TIE Fighter: Destroy Depot

Description: Destroy a Rebel depot of starfighters and containers.

Player Craft: TIE Fighter

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles




TIE Fighter: Destroy a Probe

Description: Destroy a Rebel probe that's spying on this sector.

Player Craft: TIE Fighter

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles

TIE Interceptor: Threat Display

Description: Learn how to inspect craft for their cargo in a search for illegal smuggling activities.

Player Craft: TIE Interceptor

Default Warheads: N/A

TIE Interceptor: Ambush!

Description: Lure a Rebel cruiser into an ambush by attacking a Rebel platform.

Player Craft: TIE Interceptor

Default Warheads: N/A




TIE Interceptor: Clear Minefield

Description: Destroy a minefield that is protecting several containers. Learn how to maneuver and fire to avoid getting hit.

Player Craft: TIE Interceptor

Default Warheads: N/A

TIE Interceptor: Combined Attack

Description: Learn about fighter roles as you cover our TIE Bombers from starfighter attack as they assault a Rebel depot.

Player Craft: TIE Interceptor

Default Warheads: N/A

TIE Bomber: Proton Torpedoes

Description: Learn the basics of TIE Bomber piloting by practicing Proton Torpedo attacks against a variety of targets.

Player Craft: TIE Bomber

Default Warheads: Proton Torpedoes




TIE Bomber: Space Bombs

Description: Learn how to use space bombs which have limited homing systems and are very slow but have huge firepower.

Player Craft: TIE Bomber

Default Warheads: Space Bombs

TIE Bomber: Torpedo Run

Description: Destroy a Rebel depot of transports, shuttles and containers.

Player Craft: TIE Bomber

Default Warheads: Proton Torpedoes

TIE Bomber: Bombers Armed with Missiles

Description: Destroy a Rebel storage facility using concussion missiles.

Player Craft: TIE Bomber

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles




Assault Gunboat: Shields

Description: Learn about shield and energy systems flying the Assault Gunboat.

Player Craft: Assault Gunboat

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles

Assault Gunboat: Teamwork

Description: Build more teamwork skills as you work together to recover stolen Imperial munitions.

Player Craft: Assault Gunboat

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles

Assault Gunboat: The Challenge

Description: Test your abilities and skills as waves of starfighters, with ever increasing difficulty, are launched against you.

Player Craft: Assault Gunboat

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles




Assault Gunboat: Escort Duty

Description: Escort three freighters safely to their hyperspace point.

Player Craft: Assault Gunboat

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles

TIE Advanced: Concussion Missiles

Description: Test the new TIE Advanced starfighter's abilities against waves of X-Wings in ever increasing difficulties.

Player Craft: TIE Advanced

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles

TIE Advanced: Rocket Attack

Description: Practice rocket attacks against enemy starships in the TIE Advanced.

Player Craft: TIE Advanced

Default Warheads: Heavy Rockets




TIE Advanced: Preemptive Strike

Description: Launch a pre-emptive strike on a Rebel fighter base to reduce their effectiveness in this sector.

Player Craft: TIE Advanced

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles

TIE Advanced: Hyperdrive Upgrade

Description: Escort a freighter as it delivers its cargo of hyperdrives to the Frigate Laantis.

Player Craft: TIE Advanced

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles

TIE Defender: Dogfighting!

Description: Further develop your dogfighting abilities in the new TIE Defender by engaging a variety of Rebel craft and even other TIE Defenders!

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles




TIE Defender: Tractor Beam

Description: Learn how to use the tractor beam in combat to reduce a ship's mobility.

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles

TIE Defender: Inspect and Disable

Description: Inspect a variety of convoy craft and disable any that may be carrying any illegal cargo.

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles

TIE Defender: Disable and Capture

Description: Capture a Rebel escort carrier by disabling it and destroy any fighters that try to stop you.

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Space Bombs




Missile Boat: Dual Warheads

Description: Learn how to fly the Missile Boat, a starfighter with an awesome warhead capacity and a new SLAM engine system providing a significant speed boost.

Player Craft: Missile Boat

Default Warheads: Heavy Rockets

Missile Boat: Anti-Warhead Defence

Description: Learn how to intercept enemy warheads using advanced concussion missiles.

Player Craft: Missile Boat

Default Warheads: Advanced Proton Torpedoes

Missile Boat: Disabling Minefield

Description: Rescue a group of Corvettes by destroying a minefield surrounding them.

Player Craft: Missile Boat

Default Warheads: Space Bombs



Missile Boat: Missile Boat vs TIE Defender

Description: The Missile Boat was designed specifically to combat the TIE Defenders. In this mission you will engage several of them as well as other enemy starfighters.

Player Craft: Missile Boat

Default Warheads: Advanced Proton Torpedoes

TIE Fighter Demo: Ambush Rebels

Description: Ambush Rebels fleeing from Hoth. The original demo mission for TIE Fighter released a few months before the full game came out in 1994. This mission was not included in the final release of the original game but has been restored for TFTC.

Player Craft: TIE Fighter

Default Warheads: N/A