TFTC Reimagined Overview

The TFTC Reimagined campaign is the brainchild of Angel who wanted to explore just what TIE Fighter could have been were it not restricted by the technical limitations of the time. The TIE Fighter engine was only capable of spawning up to 28 craft at any one time, severely limiting the scope of any potential engagements. For this reason, several engagements were spread over several missions, one notable example is when you must destroy the VSD Protector in Battle 7 which spans 3 missions. When the original TFTC project was released in 2005, whilst it did port the original missions across, there were many issues with balance, gameplay and pacing due to the significant differences in the TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance engines. After playing through much of the old project, Angel started tinkering with one of the missions to see how it would handle having more ships involved (B1M2) which ended up becoming the first reimagined mission designed and thus the Reimagined campaign was born. With the recent enhancements of the X-Wing Alliance engine, it is now possible to have hundreds of ships in a single mission engaging each other.

But Angel wanted to do more than just make the missions bigger, he wanted to truly reshape the TIE Fighter campaign. TIE Fighter is unique amongst the X-Wing series in that you are playing from the Imperial point of view and this means it felt more important to convincingly show the true might of the Empire which justified the much larger battles when compared to the extremely limited fleet resources of the Rebels. He also wanted to ensure there was far greater narrative and ship continuity between missions and an expanded story in both scope and scale to go along with the larger missions yet still remain true to the spirit and main plot beats of the original storyline. As such, whilst some missions are simply just larger yet very recognisable versions of their Classic counterparts, others are completely new missions. This will be most noticeable as you progress through the campaigns how things become more and more different.

Currently the Reimagined campaign contains only nine tour of duty campaigns up to the Battle "TIE Defender Technology", but the remaining five are in development and it is hoped they will be something truly different and expansive in scope and scale compared to the Classic version and something you will all enjoy. It will take some time as Angel is the sole mission designer and writer of Reimagined, but we hope it will be worth the wait!