
29/11/2023 - TFTC Version 1.3.4 Released!

Hello everyone, Its been another minute since the last TFTC update but I'm pleased to announce the 1.3.4 patch release for TFTC. There's not a huge amount to say about this one other than A: I should never ever give a possible release date to anything because I always go past it and B: This patch is largely to bring TFTC up to date in line with XWAU v6.0 and to issue more fixes and balance updates to TFTC. That said, there are still a few notable improvements for this version which I'll cover in a moment. This is however intended to be the last patch we will release for TFTC until Reimagined is completed which I will tenuously dub TFTC v2.0. Check out the full release video below and check out the latest patch notes in the Changelog section.

Archived News

July 2023

27/07/2023 - Quick Fixes for TFTC v1.3.3

Since 1.3.3 came out there have been some issues we want to address as soon as we can (example B1M2 Classic cannot be completed, occasional crashes with new ddraw) so yes that means a 1.3.4 patch will be on the way in the near future. In the meantime we have posted some quick-fixes which will help with some of these issues and we will probably post a video soon so the wider world knows that we are aware and will be working on it. We are also considering making any 1.3.4 betas publicly available for testing so the whole community can help playtest things before we release proper!

15/07/2023 - TFTC Version v1.3.3 Released!

Hello pilots! Its been a very long time since we posted an update but we finally have a new TFTC video for you and its to announce the release of the 1.3.3 patch as well as other updates that have been happening since! This new patch will bring TFTC up to date with the recent XWAU 5.6.2 patch that was released back in May and will also introduce a bunch of bug fixes, balance updates and even some new updates. Head over to the changelog section to see the patch notes and watch the video below for more details.

TFTC: Version 1.3.3 Released

December 2022

13/12/2022 - Mod of the Year Awards 2022 + Reimagined Dev Progress

Hello pilots! Aside from some minor issues with cutscenes causing crashes for a handful of people, v1.3.2 has so far proven stable and successful (compared to the disastrous v1.3.1). There's not much else to say at this point in time but we do have two small tidbits of news for you. 

First off, ModDB are currently running their Mod of the Year Awards 2022 and voting is underway! We would greatly appreciate if you could cast your vote for TFTC by clicking here. The vote closes on 20/12/2022.

Second, we've added a new page to the site which will show the current development progress of the remaining Reimagined campaigns and each mission. Head over here to take a look.

In the meantime, stay tuned to our site, Twitter, Discord or Angel's YouTube channel for any future updates regarding TFTC!

November 2022

09/11/2022 - Crash Fixes

A handful of players have been experiencing game crashes related to cutscenes either on mission briefings or after a mission is completed. This appeared to be result of an issue with the latest ddraw in regards to a fix that was deployed for VR users and cutscenes. New versions of these files are now available for download, just head over to the Quick Fixes section to grab them.

There has also been a minor update to the future Reimagined campaigns with B13M1 being moved to Battle 12 as B12M10. The new B13M1 will be something different and story focused.  Check out the Reimagined section for more information.

September 2022

15/09/2022 - Upcoming 1.3.1 Patch

We will soon be releasing a small patch update for TFTC which will contain all the current important quick fixes as well as a bunch of other fixes and small changes that we feel need to be addressed for the current 1.3 release. We have also updated our system requirements for TFTC and XWAU, please see the prerequisiites section under the installation guide page.

August 2022

30/08/2022 - New Quick Fixes Section Added

We've added to the website a new Quick Fixes section. Here we will post any fixes or updates, usually for issues with missions, that you can install if you are having trouble. These fixes will be available until the next official patch is released where the fixes will be officially added in. 

27/08/2022 - TFTC Version 1.3 Released!

Hello pilots! First off, welcome to the new TFTC website! This site aims to be a comprehensive center of information about the project in its entirety with in-depth guides to installation, tweaking settings, joystick and keyboard info, version changelogs, ship information and even every single mission that you can play! Take a good look around and let us know if you have any suggestions on anything else we could add in the future.

But the main reason we are here today? Well it is with great pleasure that we finally announce the release of the TFTC Version 1.3 patch! This patch is the culmination of 8 months work and provides a whole plethora of balance changes, bug fixes, new missions, sounds, visuals and gameplay behaviours including:

To see the full extensive list of changes, please check the Changelog section.

We will be monitoring the deployment of v1.3 to make sure there are no significant issues popping up and assuming there are not, work now will shift focus fully on the remaining Reimagined campaigns that are in development. You can check out this section to get an idea of what sort of things you can expect from those campaigns or see some individual mission information. Please note these do contain spoilers so if you want it to be a surprise what happens, turn away!

Until then, do join us on Discord, follow us on Twitter, subscribe to us on YouTube. These are the best methods for keeping up to date with the project and for interacting with our community. 

October 2022

15/10/2022 - TFTC Version 1.3.2 Released!

Following the somewhat disasterous release of 1.3.1, the critical bugs found in this version have been promptly fixed and rather than relying on quickfixes, we have published the 1.3.2 patch instead. This patch is almost identical to 1.3.1 in its content, but contains the fixes as well. You can install this patch on either v1.3 or v1.3.1 installations. Details are in the installation guide. 

12/10/2022 - Critical bug found in TFTC 1.3.1

 CRITICAL ISSUE: A severe issue has been found that is causing incorrect starship profiles to be loaded from Classic instead of Reimagined, this is causing certain ship types to not shoot properly (if at all) while others have different firepower than expected. We will be working to hotfix this to a 1.3.2 patch as soon as possible. 

11/10/2022 - TFTC Version 1.3.1 Released!

 The v1.3.1 patch for TFTC has been released. Its a relatively small patch, but fixes a few critical issues with v1.3 along with a few other fixes, balance updates and new concourse animations. Take a look at the Changelog section for further details. The installation guide and installation tutorial video have also been updated to account for the patch.