
This page will showcase the full range of transports you can expect to encounter when playing TFTC. 

Speed, Shield and Hull indicators are simply a measure of meters per second (speed) and hit points (shield/hull).

(C) = TFTC Classic specific stats.

(R) = TFTC Reimagined specific stats or the ship only appears in Reimagined.

Lambda Shuttle (SHU)

Speed: 65 MGLT

Shields: 100 SBD

Hull: 66 RU

Stormtrooper Transport (TRN)

Speed: 55 MGLT

Shields: 80 SBD (C) - 114 SBD (R)

Hull: 38 RU (C) - 78 RU (R)

Assault Transport (ATR)

Speed: 66 MGLT

Shields: 200 SBD

Hull: 95 RU (C) - 142 RU (R)

Escort Shuttle (E/S)

Speed: 73 MGLT

Shields: 120 SBD

Hull: 85 RU (C) - 33 RU (R)

YT-1300 Transport (YT-1300)

Speed: 88 MGLT

Shields: 320 SBD (C) - 200 SBD (R)

Hull: 112 RU (C) - 130 RU (R)

Muurian Transport (MUTR)

Speed: 88 MGLT

Shields: 320 SBD (C) - 180 SBD (R)

Hull: 112 RU (C) - 120 RU (R)

Escort Transport (ETR)

Speed: 60 MGLT

Shields: 250 SBD

Hull: 133 RU

IPV-1 System Patrol Craft (SPC)

Speed: 77 MGLT

Shields: 400 SBD

Hull: 285 RU

Scout Craft (SCT)

Speed: 77 MGLT

Shields: 200 SBD

Hull: 114 RU

 Luxury Yacht  (LT3000) - (R)

Speed: 71 MGLT

Shields: 36 SBD

Hull: 20 RU

VCX-100 Transport (VCX-100) - (R)

Speed: 91 MGLT

Shields: 360 SBD

Hull: 178 RU

        Naboo Barge         (NDB) - (R)

Speed: 92 MGLT

Shields: 250 SBD

Hull: 160 RU