Battle 9 - TIE Defender Technology

Admiral Thrawn attempts to recover the TIE Defender technology before it's irrevocably lost to the loyalist Imperial forces. However even more new threats emerge as a desperate attempt is made to protect the few remaining TIE Defenders.




Capture Platform

Description: Prevent Zaarin's forces from stripping his old TIE Defender research base of supplies and information.

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles

Hold Platform

Description: Protect the TIE Defender research platform from a counterattack by Zaarin's forces.

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles

Protect Evacuation

Description: We must evacuate the TIE Defender research platform. Protect the freighters evacuating our personnel and supplies.

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles




Escort to Rendezvous

Description: Escort the freighter carrying TIE Defender prototypes to a rendezvous with a group of Modified Corvettes.

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles

Trapped by Pirates!

Description: Defend our corvette group from a trap set by the Rneekii pirates.

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles

Transfer Prototypes

Description: Protect disabled Modified Corvettes while awaiting the arrival of a couple of Cargo Ferries. Fly a TIE Defender against a second Rebel attack led by a Corellian Transport.

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles