Battle 12 - Prelude to Endor

Investigate Bothan spies and disrupt the Rebel Alliance as they try to gather their fleet to strike on the second Death Star so that the Emperor's plan to trap and destroy the Rebels once and for all can be enacted.




Escort Prison Ship

Description: Ensure the prison ship Dargon, an old Dreadnought-class starship, reaches its jump point to rendezvous with Lord Vader's ship, the ISD Garrett.

Player Craft: TIE Advanced

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles

Deliver Prisoners

Description: Ensure the safe arrival of Rebel and Bothan prisoners to Lord Vader's destroyer.

Player Craft: TIE Advanced

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles

Attack at Bothawui

Description: Disable several Bothan transports and provide cover for our own transports as we capture them.

Player Craft: Assault Gunboat

Default Warheads: Advanced Proton Torpedoes




Strike on Kothlis

Description: Capture a Bothan space station and destroy its defences near the Bothan colony of Kothlis.

Player Craft: Missile Boat

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles

Bothan Treachery

Description: Destroy a Bothan Dreadnought and capture a Rebel Calamari Cruiser to stop information being passed on to the Rebels.

Player Craft: Missile Boat

Default Warheads: Advanced Proton Torpedoes

Recon Military Summit

Description: Inspect a Rebel fleet as they meet for a military summit to discuss an attack on the new Death Star at Endor.

Player Craft: Missile Boat

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles


Delay Strike Force

Description: Destroy several Rebel capital ships to weaken their fleet and delay their attack on the new Death Star.

Player Craft: Missile Boat

Default Warheads: Space Bombs