Battle 4 - Conflict At Mylok IV

You are assigned to Grand Admiral Zaarin's task force aboard the Modified Nebulon B2 Frigate Shamus as he tries to secure advanced hyperspace technology for his new experimental TIE starfighter design, the TIE Advanced.




Escort Convoy

Description: Escort a Habeen convoy carrying experimental hyperdrive technology for Admiral Zaarin.

Player Craft: TIE Fighter

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles

Attack the Nharwaak

Description: Destroy a Nharwaak research base to prevent them from selling new hyperdrive technology to the Rebels.

Player Craft: TIE Bomber

Default Warheads: Proton Torpedoes

Defend Tech Center

Description: Defend a Habeen research base from a Nharwaak assault and aid in its evacuation.

Player Craft: TIE Bomber

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles



Diplomatic Meeting

Description: Patrol the area as the Empire and Habeen formalise their agreement to transfer the new hyperdrive technology to Admiral Zaarin.

Player Craft: TIE Interceptor

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles

Rebel Arms Deal

Description: Stop the Nharwaaks from transferring their version of the new hyperdrive technology by attacking and destroying a Rebel frigate.

Player Craft: Assault Gunboat

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles