Battle 7 - Treachery at Ottega

As you finally locate and trap the late Admiral Harkov's flagship, the Victory-class Star Destroyer Protector, Grand Admiral Zaarin launches a coup attempt by trying to kill Lord Vader and kidnap The Emperor himself.




Trap the Protector

Description: With the VSD Protector finally trapped by an Interdictor, lead an operation to destroy any supply containers and protect the INT Harpax from counterattack.

Player Craft: TIE Advanced

Default Warheads: Concussion Missiles

Destroy the Akaga

Description: INT Harpax is in a dangerous situation with a defecting Frigate and a Rebel cruiser bearing down on her. Destroy the pursuing Frigate as quickly as you can and await the arrival of Lord Vader.

Player Craft: TIE Advanced

DDefault Warheads: Space Bombs


Description: While you await the arrival of reinforcements from Admiral Zaarin, destroy the Rebel cruiser and finish off the VSD Protector.

Player Craft: TIE Advanced

Default Warheads: Advanced Proton Torpedoes



TIE Defender

Description: Rendezvous with the M/FRG Osprey en route to Coruscant. We must warn the Emperor of Zaarin's treachery!

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Advanced Proton Torpedoes

Save the Emperor

Description: Admiral Zaarin's forces have managed to capture the Emperor aboard his Star Destroyer, you must find and rescue him. The fate of the Empire is in your hands!

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles