Julian CARR (60-66)
Julian Carr has certainly had a life story worth telling. He recently spoke at length to Bill Dowling when he outlined how life has evolved for him since 1966. It was with admiration for Julian's achievements (and with permission from Julian) that Bill provided this outline below of where Julian has been since his school days. As an alternative to reading his story below, the document can also be read via this link. Some photos of Julian's African activities appear below the story; an explanation of what each photo is about can be found in this document. Both the documents can also be downloaded to a separate device for possibly better viewing by first clicking the small 'square-and-arrow' icon at the top right of each section.
Below is the story of Julian's work in Africa. There is an update on recent work done in July (click here to go directly to his FWI website page with photos of recent activities undertaken).
Earlier updates on the activities for April & May 2024 can be read below (or here) and for March 2024 below (or here). A list of needed items shows the surprisingly low cost for projects that can be completed and which "Make a Real Difference". All of that information and much more can also be found on the organization's newly-designed website (Fair World International – FWI).
After Bill had heard so much of Julian's work, he thought he would contact a few old St. Pat's mates to see if they might be inclined to help out with the work of FWI. The result has been that a useful amount of money (about $4,000) has been sent to Julian via the Australian bank account of FWI. Others interested in doing something similar could get in touch with Bill (billydowling11@gmail.com).
Update on the Work of Fair World International for April & May 2024:
The list below shows how a surprisingly small amount of funding can complete a project which assists many Tanzanians in undertaking daily activities or in having access to so many basic facilities that we usually take for granted:
A March 2024 Update on developments in Tanzania under Julian's organization (scroll down further for the April-May update) ...
Click this link for a single file which describes the details of each of the photos shown below in 'thumbnail' form (each photo can also be clicked for a larger view).