External Links

The list below provides the links to a number of external institutions and websites which are important to the Association.

The accompanying pages throughout this website have highlighted the many connections which SPOCA has established beyond the College and its alumni. In addition to these, although not discussed explicitly here, the College and SPOCA has an obvious and fundamental connection to the Australian Province of the Society of Jesus. So too, Jesuit Mission is an important organization which the College has  supported in a number of ways over many decades, since its beginnings in Hazaribagh in the 1950s (see further details below the "Links" list).

The original website for SPOCA was organized under the auspices of Xavier College. That site still exists and will be retained as a 'legacy site'. Virtually all of the contents of that site have been incorporated into this new website.


Victorian Collections, digital images of SPC history – https://victoriancollections.net.au/organisations/st-patricks-old-collegians-association-spoca#collection-records

Original SPOCA website – http://stpats.xavier.vic.edu.au/ ... NOTE: this website which was maintained by Xavier technical staff, under the direction of SPOCA, is now de-commissioned as the current website is now directly administered by SPOCA.

Australian Province of the Society of Jesus – http://jesuit.org.au/

Jesuit Mission https://jesuitmission.org.au/

Australian Catholic University (ACU, Melbourne) https://www.acu.edu.au/ AND http://www.acu.edu.au/about_acu/campuses/melbourne

Xavier College, Kew (https://xavier.vic.edu.au/xavier

St Ignatius College, Geelong (https://www.ignatius.vic.edu.au/new/index

Loyola College, Watsonia (https://loyola.vic.edu.au/

St Patrick's has been involved with Jesuit Mission since the early days of the 1950s. At that time, meetings were held at SPC and Xavier to discuss the holding of a fete as a fund-raiser to support the Mission work in India, particularly in Hazaribagh. The result of those discussions was what became known as the Maytime Fair. The history of those early developments has been compiled by Jeanette Connellan in her Maytime Fair Memories  booklet (printed in 1990 – some of the SPC involvement is mentioned on and around page 25). Jeanette is the sister of Fr Lou Lachal SJ (first rector of Australian Jesuits in India). A copy of the booklet can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the link below:

Jesuit Mission Donations 

In addition to the Maytime Fair being a vehicle for fund-raising, SPOCA members can also make more direct donations using the SPOCA account via the form available through this link.