Alumni & Friends

The above photo records those present at the 2012 Annual Dinner commemorating the centenary of the Old Collegians' Association.

The "People of St. Patrick's" include not only the students, but also of course the teachers, and parents of students and other friends who developed a connection with the College over the years.

Although regular contact with the school diminished for many when they left to make their way in their adult world, there was still the knowledge that the school and its personnel were still there. The above photo confirms those strong links have not diminished with the passage of time. When the institution and the physical building closed, the spirit of the school continued and contacts were strengthened in other ways, SPOCA being of increased importance in maintaining those connections.

This section of the website recalls the names of some of those who have been part of the school and describes something of their life since leaving. It is divided into a number of parts.

The first part recognizes some whose achievements in the wider community after their time at St. Patrick's is worthy of a special note – they are "The Notables". A short summary of the significant achievements of a number of them appears on "The Notables" page, and, for a smaller number, there has a more detailed story been written in the form of essays accessible on the "Longer Stories" page. This set of longer stories will expand regularly as time and effort permits, when sufficient details are known about particular alumni and when the Committee thinks it appropriate to add to the list. 

A second part of this Alumni section contains less formal reports of the comings and goings of Patricians  (Patricians' Reflectionssome being autobiographical), and which tell something of their life after College.

The third part is a special audio-visual project combining historical images and video of the College with interviews with a number of Patricians.

Then a fourth part reports on reunions and other gatherings which participants or organizers think might be of interest to the wider Patrician community.

There is also a separate SPOCA digital images website, as part of the Victorian Collections program, which contains over 1,000 photos from many decades of SPC history. That site can be accessed by clicking here.

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There may be some readers who, for various reasons, may wish to examine the above group photo a bit closer! It can be accessed by clicking and downloading the link below:

Getting Back In Touch With Old Friends

There have been a few recent stories of Patricians wishing to re-connect with other classmates or friends from St. Pat’s, with successful outcomes. The passage of time has sometimes resulted in a loss of contact details for old friends, and where we now call ‘home’ may have changed markedly over the years, making it difficult for others to get back in touch.

The committee has therefore decided to provide some assistance for members to reconnect with old friends.

The process would be initiated by you sending an email to SPOCA specifying whom you want to contact  ( If they are in our membership data base we would contact them to determine whether they are prepared to give permission for their details to be passed on. If they are not in our data base or do do want their details passed on, we would simply advise the individual who initiated the request that SPOCA cannot assist. Privacy of Patricians’ personal contact details is, at all times, of paramount importance, so nothing would proceed without clear permission being obtained.