St. Patrick's Jesuit College

East Melbourne


St. Patrick's College began in 1854 as one of the first secondary schools in Melbourne and was run by the Irish Jesuits from 1865. Following gatherings of the past students of the College in the 1870s, an old collegians' association evolved. It was officially founded over a hundred years ago in 1912 as the St. Patrick's Old Collegians' Association (known as "SPOCA"). Although the College was closed in controversial circumstances in 1968, SPOCA has functioned continuously ever since its inception, and despite the closure. A history of the College is outlined in another section of this website.


The Association is operated by a committee which meets regularly, organizes functions and maintains its own finances. It protects the history of the College, supports its alumni and the works of its founders, and continues to interact with the wider community. Many of these functions, events and interactions are described in the pages within this website.


SPOCA proudly recognizes and values its many assets which include the following: