A Gathering of the 1968 Group at the Spreadeagle Hotel

A get-together of the 1968ers at the Spreadeagle Hotel in Richmond. The plan was to include Eamonn Cooke in the photo as well, but he was on his way about five minutes to soon! A magnifying glass may be required to get the full benefit!

There is a great video which has been complied to record the names, faces and lives of the members of that 1968 group. It runs for almost half an hour an d is well worth watching, even for those not directly from that illustrious final group to reach the top! It was put together by a small group, headed by Matt Dowling, Bill's son.

Because of the size of the file, it wasn't able to be loaded to the site which contains the other files related to this website. However, Matt has kindly allowed us to use the link to the video which is located in his Dropbox. Thanks very much for that Matt, and for all your work in the compilation process! Click here to view the recording (hooked up to your 'home theatre' speakers, if possible!).