St. Patrick's Jesuit College
East Melbourne
A large number of historical photos can be viewed on the SPOCA 'page' on the "Victorian Collections" archive – a website which is designed for historical and other organizations.
NOTE: AGM 2025 to be held at Xavier College (after ANZAC service) – see details in Feb/Mar Patrician newsletter
The latest report from the Luddies Book Club – My Father and Other Animals (see Alumni/Book Club section)
An edited version of the eulogy for Michael Head presented by Gerry Healy (click link at end of MH obituary in Alumni/RIP section)
Report of the Glenferrie Hotel 2025 Gathering (Alumni/Reunions section)
Short but interesting pieces entitled '1867 Scotch & SPC' and '1969 Patricians FC fixture' (College History/Words & Pictures section)
Notice of the recent passing of Brian Sherman (56-62) and of David Bullard (48-50) (Alumni/RIP section)
Notice of the Loyola (LCW) student who received the SPOCA Award for 2024 (Connections/Loyola section)
SPOCA welcomes all alumni and visitors to the website, and encourages those interested in establishing a closer connection with the College or its Association to contact SPOCA via the email address below.
The SPOCA digital images website (part of the Victorian Collections site) containing over 1,000 SPC photos can be accessed by clicking here.
When that pictorial website began, President Peter Rogan sent a letter (read here) to all Patricians announcing its launch.
Site Navigation
Use the 'drop down' menu list at the top of the page to navigate to and between other sections, or use the occasional word-links which appear in the text (the menu will be top-right for larger screen devices, and will be revealed when clicking on the three small bars at top-left for smaller screens). The home page can also be accessed by clicking the College icon at the top left of any page.
A Small Navigation Annoyance ...
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Document Downloads ...
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