About RKS Adams

Reginald Keith Sorby-Adams, 1901 - 1976

Canon Reginald Keith Sorby-Adams (Scout name: Kangaroo) was an Anglican priest and long-time principal of St Andrew's School. More fondly known as RKS Adams to present day boys, Canon RKS Adams was born and raised in Adelaide, Australia. In 1927, Canon RKS Adams arrived in Singapore to teach at St Andrew's School. He took over the 10th Singapore Troop from Group Scoutmaster Dong Chui Sing in 1933.

An energetic priest, teacher and Scoutmaster, Canon RKS Adams introduced boxing to our school, a sport which remained a tradition of our school till this day.

At St Andrew's, many boys and Scouts remember Canon RKS Adams' kindness and generosity. Jacob Ballas, a poor Jewish boy, recalled how Canon RKS Adams dipped into his own pocket to pay for the former's scout uniform. Canon RKS Adams also paid for Ballas to attend the 1937 Tanjong Malim Jamboree. Ballas repaid the debt many times over when he prospered later in life. He established a huge trust fund to take care of Adams and his wife, Eunice, till their last days.

Singapore's first Chief Commission was from St Andrew's Scout Group!

Despite his busy schedule, Canon RKS Adams continued to take a personal interest in the progressive training of the St Andrew's Scouts. He would personally test the boys, sign their test cards and award the earned badges to deserving Scouts.

Canon RKS Adams' zest and dedication to service saw him taking on additional duties in the Scout Movement. He became Singapore's first Chief Commissioner and also started the 10th Rover Crew, an open crew attached to the St Andrew's School Troop on 2 February 1934.

This was Singapore's first Rover Scout Crew. Besides providing service to the local Scout Movement in the form of assistance at local badge training courses, these Rovers also set up a very successful Scouting weekly known as The Thumbstick.

Published between 1936 and 1938, The Thumbstick was published every Saturday as the official organ of the St Andrew's Scout Group. It was subscribed by many Scouts within Singapore and Malaya.