Spatial Representation Learning

Implicit learning of spatial layouts and effect of action

One of my recent interest is in the relationship with vision and action and their relationship with awareness. It is well known that there are many visual or cognitive functions outside consciousness or awareness. How these functions are related to everyday life and when conscious processing is required are one of big open questions. One of our achievements in this topic is the report that spatial representation learned implicitly leads actions related to a given task in the space learned.

Shioiri, S., Kobayashi, M., Matsumiya, K. & Kuriki, I. Spatial representations of the viewer's surroundings. Scientific reports 8, 7171, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-25433-5 (2018).

Tsuchiai, T., Matsumiya, K., Kuriki, I., Shioiri, S., Viewpoint-independent contextual cueing effect, Frontiers in Psychology Vol. 3, Article 207, 1-10, (2012)

Shioiri S, Yamazaki T, Matsumiya K, Kuriki I: Rotation-independent representations for haptic movements. Scientific Reports 3, 2595; DOI:10.1038/srep02595, (2013).
