Sabbat of the Witch


Story Structure

  • Multiple Heroine Routes

  • No True End

  • 18+ by default

  • All-Ages on Steam

User Opinions


If I had to recommend just one Yuzusoft to most readers, it would be this one. It still has the "moe" and romance people like, but it's by far the most drama-heavy one. Nene's route in particular has a very unique route structure even compared to non-moe VNs.


It's a Yuzusoft game, so it's a moege. If you like those, read further, if you don't, pass right now. However, of all the Yuzusoft games I've read it's probably the best one: the cast is really nice, and every girl has her own interesting drama in her route with a VERY healthy dose of moe and some tears. Also, while Yuzusoft games (and well, moege in general) can have some bullshit drama in the character routes, this one doesn't, and some of the routes even help to develop the MC himself, who (surprisingly) isn't in an absolute blank state. Quite possibly the best Yuzuge translated, and probably the best moege available on Steam overall.


IMHO the best (translated) Yuzusoft VN out there. A (lightly) supernatural highschool setting, 5 cute heroines, cute art, comfy romance and short afterstories as well. Very good for a beginner. Also includes a dual-language option in case you want to learn Japanese a bit.


Interesting take on urban fantasy and the sort of costs associated with gaining power. What was really interesting is how the "price" the witch paid was frequently related in some way to what their wish was. I'd give examples, but that'd give spoilers.

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