

Story Structure

  • Multiple Heroine Routes

  • No True End

  • Original is 18+

  • Remake is All-Ages

User Opinions

u/Some_Guy_87 (original)

Its age really shows nowadays, but Tsukihime was the first step into the VN world for many people back then for a reason. Every character seems to have big secrets, and revealing them makes each route interesting on its own even when the stakes seem to become lower and lower. Most importantly, though, it manages to capture a level of intimacy and nostalgic feelings like almost nothing else.

u/AmmoSexualBulletkin (original)

One of the first, if not THE first, VN's from Nasu. He also did Fate/Stay Night. It has similar problems, where Nasu doesn't bother explaining things or he's inconsistent with applying rules and standards he'd put in place in other routes/parts of the story. It's still a pretty good ride though. Like FSN, it's urban fantasy with lots of action. Depending on the route, the story can also get surprisingly powerful.

u/baisuposter (remake)

The definition of budget flex: gorgeous and frequent CGs with unmatched sound design and five and a half hours(!) worth of soundtrack to back it. The writing is quite a bit above average with its NVL style often veering into madness.

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