Grisaia Trilogy


Story Structure

  • Multiple Routes (Fruit and Labyrinth)

  • True End if you read Eden

  • 18+ by default, All-Ages on Steam and Switch

User Opinions


Everyone in Mihama Academy has a few screws loose. The characters are highly unique and their personality traits are constantly used as a source of humor. After the common route Grisaia becomes heartbreaking drama, revealing the tragic backstories of the girls.


With characters really likeable and a context really different from some others Visual Novels, Grisaia no Kajitsu is an excellent way to spend time. And that's a fact.


With a preface of a boy entering a school designed for special case students, grisaia starts as a typical SOL comedy. But within the happy and cheerful common route lie the seeds of the girls tragic past, which when explored in their personal routes will absolutely blow you away. Like most VNs, kajitsu focusses heavily on characterization and it pays off. Every character including the MC is like a mystery, where you are initially just curious on how and why they act a certain way. However when the answers present themselves in the form of their journey, you cant help but be moved by it. Overall, if you are looking for a VN with a dynamic and fun cast, strong characterization and routes to make you cry and then smile, look no further.


Grisaia is a weird one - while fairly highly praised in both the VN and anime community, I personally found it to fall a bit short where it mattered. It has a really great common route with some super entertaining comedy, and the good news is that the common route makes up a solid 70% of the entire VN so there's a lot of good content. The heroine routes end up being a massive tonal shift and personally I felt like the emotional impact really missed its mark. I'd recommend it if you want some good comedy, the sequels unfortunately seem to largely ditch that atmosphere though which is a shame.


Great character interactions. A nice "love letter" to the harem genre, poking fun at and playing with its conventions while not taking itself too seriously.


A fun and usual protagonist, 5 interesting heroines, a long and funny common route, and a healthy dose of drama (that makes sense) in the heroine routes. Beware the arbitrary bad endings. Great writing AND translation all-around.


The girls are fun and Yuuji is an interesting character that is different from the majority of VN protagonists. Honestly the story really takes off in the later parts of the trilogy, but Fruit is still good on it's own. Everyone has a tragic backstory of some sort and only Yuuji's is a mystery, at least until you start reading the rest of the trilogy.

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