

Story Structure

  • Multiple Heroine Routes

  • No True End

  • 18+ by default

  • All-Ages on Steam

User Opinions


A moege with a heavy focus on comedy. M*L is not an outstanding game by any means, but it's a very quality moege which does pretty much everything a good moege needs to do right: every route is enjoyable, all heroines are really cure and each one has her own quirk, humor is almost always spot on if you are into it, and MC is actually not a complete donkan and can actually do stuff when needed. If you enjoyed Fureraba or any other SMEE VN, Making * Lovers will be a definite hit for you, but if you play for a couple of hours and see that the humor doesn't click with you, then don't bother.


One of my favorite VNs of all time. Romance and comedy in equal parts, no common route to speak of (good for re-reading), working adult setting, great translation. If you like comfy romance stories, what are you waiting for? Saki best girl.


A fresh take on the moege genre for those tired of the overused highschool setting. A drama-free read for those that just want a fun Slice of Life VN where the girls are the main focus.


Breaking from the usual moege/romance mold of a high school setting, here they're almost all working adults. I'd recommend it on that alone. However, the girls are also quite enjoyable. You'll understand why people keep spreading the Karen memes after you read her route, it's good.


If you're looking for a light hearted visual novel that focuses on adult age characters, Making * Lovers is always my go-to choice. The main character and 3 main heroines are adult age and they focus on jobs and adult dating and such. Even the other 2 heroines have almost no focus on school.

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