

Story Structure

  • Multiple Routes

  • One True End

  • All-Ages

User Opinions


While the 20+ hour intro of more or less lighthearted slice-of-life might not be everyone's cup of tea, this is an emotional time travel journey you will likely never forget. There's a lot of effort put into making the time traveling believable, and the concept is used to cover a variety of topics regarding it that go beyond the standard "making things worse every time" concept. As a bonus, the protagonist has a unique personality and even believably develops into different directions in some alternate endings, keeping the story interesting even during lengths.


Steins;Gate has a fantastic anime adaption so many people may already be familiar with it, however I'm a firm believer that the visual novel is an even more rewarding experience. S;G has a really cool art style that I love, as well as a pretty unique choice system that adds levels of immersion and weight to a lot of the story points. While reading Steins;Gate wasn't a life-changing experience, it's an incredibly solid piece of media with one of my absolute favourite endings in any story - it's well worth the read. The sequel's OK too I guess.


Classic, almost-timeless sci-fi adventure with a quality cast and great plot progression.


One of the safest recommendations you could make, period. An extremely accessible story with memorable characters which can appeal to pretty much anybody.


If you can get over the lethal amounts of cringe in the first hour or so, SG gets pretty awesome. I do have some serious issues with the story though. It was generally pretty great but when you put as much effort into saving someone as Okabe did for Mayuri and then she isn't the True end? I'm calling BS.


Excellent plot with well-executed twists and a great ending. Fun and likable cast, especially the protagonist. Best scientific elements in any VN I've read, with engaging scientific dilemmas, discussions, theories, and analysis. Very good introduction to the culture of Akihabara and for someone unfamiliar that can help with familiarity for future anime and VNs.

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