Utawarerumono Trilogy


Story Structure

  • Completely linear

  • Only the original Utawarerumono is 18+

  • The Remake of the 1st, and the 2nd and 3rd Games are all-ages.

  • Constant Strategy RPG gameplay

User Opinions


Utawarerumono's strongest point is probably its characters. The games are really SoL heavy, especially the second one, but I haven't found that boring even bit. That's precisely because the characters, their interactions and relationships with each other are increbidly well-written. Even if they're mostly not that complex, they're still vastly enjoyable. Coupled with a great worldbuilding, nice art, and excellent music it makes for a great experience. While the story is not extraordinary per se, it's definitely not bad and has it's own great moments, mostly in the latter games.

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