Kwong Bor Ng

Kwong-Bor Ng, Professor

Rosenthal Library, Room 250

Graduate School of Library and Information Studies

Queens College, City University of New York

Phone: (718) 997-3613

Fax: (718) 997-3797



Courses Taught

Research & Professional Interests

My areas of interests are quite diversified. They include algorithms of information retrieval, human computer interaction, knowledge organization and representation in a digital environment, information visualization, quantitative research methods, metadata standards for resource descriptions, computational linguistics, and data fusion.

Selected Publications


Cool, Colleen & Ng, Kwong-Bor (Eds.) (2013). Recent developments in the design, construction, and evaluation of digital libraries. Advances in Library and Information Science (ALIS) Book Series. PA: Information Science Reference, IGI-Global, Inc. 275 pages. 

Ng, Kwong-Bor & Kucsma, Jason (Eds.) (2011). Digitization in the real world. NY: Metropolitan New York Library Council. 578 pages. 

Rummler, Scott & Ng, Kwong-Bor (Eds.) (2010). Collaborative technologies and applications for interactive information design: emerging trends in user experiences. PA: Information Science Reference, IGI-Global, Inc. 320 pages. 

Ng, Kwong-Bor (2007). Using XML. NY: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. 178 pages. 


 Ng, Kwong Bor. (2010) Automatically Evaluating the Quality of Contents Created in Collaborative Knowledge Building. In Rummler, Scott & Ng, Kwong Bor (Eds.). Collaborative technologies and applications for interactive information design: emerging trends in user experiences, pp. 137-147.  PA: Information Science Reference, IGI-Global, Inc. 

Ng, Kwong Bor (2007). “On James D. Anderson and Jose Perez-Carballo’s Information Retrieval Design.” Information Processing & Management, vol 43, Issue 3, May 2007, Pages 822-824. 

Ng, Kwong Bor, Kantor, P., Strzalkowski, T,, Wacholder, N., Tang, R., Bai, B., Rittman, R., Song, P. & Sun, Y. (2006) Automated Judgment of Document Qualities. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIS),vol. 57, no 9,  pp. 1155-1164.  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Son.  

Rittman, R., Wacholder, N., Kantor, P., Ng, Kwong Bor, Strzalkowski, T., Bai, B., Song, P., Sun, Y. (2004). "Adjectives as indicators of subjectivity in Documents." In Proceedings of the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science (pp 349-359).  Medford, NJ.: Information Today, Inc.  

Bai, Bing, Ng, Kwong Bor, Sun, Y., Kantor, P. and Strzalkowski, T. (2004). "The institutional dimension of document qualities judgment." In Proceedings of the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science (pp 110-118).  Medford, NJ.: Information Today, Inc.  

Tang, R., Ng, Kwong Bor, Strzalkowski, T,, and Kantor, P. (2003) Toward machine understanding of information quality. In R. J. Todd (ed.) Proceedings of 2003 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science and Technolog  (pp. 213-220.) Medford, NJ.: Information  Today, Inc. 

Ng, Kwong Bor, Kantor, P., Tang, R, Rittman, R., Small, S., Song, P., Strzalkowski, T. Sun, Y. and Wacholder, N. (2003) Identification of effective predictive variables for document qualities.  In R. J. Todd (ed.) Proceedings of 2003 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science and Technology (pp. 221-229.)  Medford, NJ.: Information  Today, Inc. 

 Tang, R., Ng, Kwong Bor, Strzalkowski, T,, and Kantor, P. (2003) Automatically predicting information quality. In . In D. Radev & S. Abney (eds) Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Companion Volume (pp. 97-99).  East Stroudsburg, PA:  Association for Computational Linguistics.  

Ibraev, U, Ng, Kwong Bor & Kantor, P. B. (2002) Exploration of a geometric model of data fusion. In Elaine Toms (ed.) Proceedings of 2002 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science and Technology (pp. 124 –129). Medford, NJ.: Information Today, Inc. 

Ng, Kwong Bor  (2002) Toward a theoretical framework for understanding the relationship between situated action and planned action models of behavior in information retrieval contexts: contributions from Phenomenology. Information Processing and Management,  38(5) , 613-625.  

Ng. Kwong Bor (2002) The applicability of universal pragmatics in information retrieval interaction: a pilot study. Information Processing and Management, 38(2), 237-348.  

Ng. Kwong Bor (2001) A novel approach to automatic genre classification. In Martha Williams (ed.) Proceedings of the 22nd National Online Meeting  (pp. 281-287). Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc. 

Ibraev, U, P. B. Kantor & Ng, Kwong Bor  (2001) Counter-intuitive cases of data fusion in information retrieval. In E. Aversa & C. Manley (eds.) Proceedings of 2001 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science and Technology (pp. 31-45). Medford, N.J.: Information  Today, Inc.  

Ng, Kwong Bor (2000). Predictive models for the effectiveness of data fusion in information retrieval. In M. Williams (ed.) Proceedings of the 21st National Online Meeting (pp.291-302).  Medford, NJ.: Information  Today, Inc. 

Ng, Kwong Bor, Rieh, Soo Young, and Kantor, P.B. (2000). Signal detection methods and discriminant analysis applied to categorization of newspaper and government documents: A preliminary study. In D. Kraft (ed.)  Proceedings of 2000 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science and Technology  (pp. 227-236). Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc. 

Ng, Kwong Bor & Kantor, P.B. (2000). Predicting the effectiveness of naive data fusion on the basis of system characteristics. Journal of American Society for Information Science (51) 13, 1177-1189.    

Kantor, P.B., Lee, Jung Jin, Ng, Kwong Bor & Kim, M. H. (1999). Some statistical issues in information retrieval: maximizing disorder, counting the uncountable, and beat an oracle. Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference of  Statistical Application of Information Science (pp.28-44). Seoul, Korea.   

Burnett, K., Ng, Kwong Bor & Park, S. (1999). A comparison of the two traditions of metadata development . Journal of American Society for Information Science, 50(13), 1209-1217. 

 Ng, Kwong Bor, & Kantor, P.B. (1998). An Investigation of the conditions for effective data fusion in information retrieval: A pilot study. In C.M. Preston (ed.) Proceedings of the 61th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science (pp. 166-178). Medford, NJ.: Information  Today, Inc. 

Hull, D.A., Kantor, P.B. & Ng, Kwong Bor (1998). Advanced approaches to the statistical analysis of TREC information retrieval experiments. Technical report. Computer Systems Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Gaithersbury, M.D. 

Kantor, P.B., Ng, Kwong Bor, Hull, D.A. (1998). Comparison of systems using pairs-out-of-order. Technical report. Computer Systems Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Gaithersbury, M.D.  

Kantor, P.B., Lee, J.J., Ng, Kwong Bor & Boros, E. (1998) Application of logical analysis of data to the TREC6 routing task. Voorhees, E.M. and Harman, D.H. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Sixth Text Retrieval Conference  (pp. 611-618). Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. 

Ng, Kwong Bor, Park, S.,& Burnett, K. (1997). Control or management: A comparison of the two approaches for establishing metadata schemes in the digital environment. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science (pp. 337-346). Medford, NJ.: Information  Today, Inc. 

Belkin, NJ., Cabezas, A., Cool, C., Kim, K., Ng, Kwong Bor, Park, S., Pressman, R., Rieh, S., Savage, P., & Xie, H. (1997). Rutgers interactive track at TREC 5. In Harmann, D., (ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth Text Retrieval Conference  (pp 257-266). Washington, D.C. Government Printing Office. 

Ng, Kwong Bor, Loewenstern, D., Basu, C., Hirsh, H. & Kantor, P. (1997). Data fusion of machine learning methods for the TREC-5 routing task (and other works). In D. Harman (ed.) Proceedings of the Fifth Text Retrieval Conference (pp. 477-488). Washington, D.C.  

Cool, C., Park, S., Belkin, N.J., Koenemann, J. & Ng,  K.B. (1996) Information seeking behavior in new searching environments. In  P. Inswersen & N.O Pors. (eds.) Proceedings of COLIS2, Second International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science: Integration in Perspective  (pp. 403-416). Copenhagen, Denmark, The Royal School of Librarianship. 

Ng, Kwong Bor and Kantor, P.B. (1996) Two experiments on retrieval with corrupted data and clean queries in TREC 4 adhoc task environment: Data fusion and pattern scanning. In D. Harman (ed.) Proceedings of the Fourth Text Retrieval Conference (pp. 181-210). Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. 

Belkin, N.J., Cool, C., Koenemann, J., Ng, Kwong Bor & Park, S. (1996) Using relevance feedback and ranking in interactive searching. In D. Harman (ed.) Proceedings of the Fourth Text Retrieval Conference (pp. 499-508). Washington, D.C. : Government Printing Office. 


Project Title: Using behavioral correlates of frustration in interactive information retrieval for the design of intelligent interactive Help system functionalities (2012) 

Area: Human computer interaction and interface design 

Funded by: Division of Social Sciences Research Enhancement Grants (Queens College) 

Amount: $4,100 

PI: Colleen Cool  

Co-PI: Kwong Bor Ng  


Project Title: New York Librarianship Resources Hub (2012) 

Area: Web 2.0 and Social software 

Funded by: Graduate Investment Initiative (Queens College) 

Amount: $4,000 

PI: James Marcum  

Co-PI: Kwong Bor Ng  


Project Title:  High-Quality Interactive Question Answering (2001 – 2003) 

Area: Machine Learning, mathematical modeling and Experimental Design for Human Computer Interaction 

Amount: $850,000 

Funded by: Advanced Research Development Activity (ARDA)   

PI: Tomek Strzalkowski  

Co-PI: Robert Erbacher, Paul Kantor, Kwong Bor Ng, Rong Tang.  


Project Title: Semantic Dimensionality and Effective Data Fusion in Information Retrieval. (1998 -2001) 

Funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), Award Number: 9812086 

Amount: $104,000 

PI: Kantor, B. Paul  

Co-PI: Kwong Bor Ng