Rachel Leff

Work Title and Location

Courses Being Taught Presently and/or in the Past

Academic Statement & Professional Interests

As an academic librarian, I believe the library plays a central role in higher education, providing essential resources and services to students, faculty, staff, and the community. My professional interests include research and instruction, information literacy, community partnerships, information ecosystems, and library history. My goal in teaching at the Queens College GSLIS program is to share how academic libraries work as well as what my students might expect working in one. I encourage students to look more deeply into those facets of librarianship that interest them, and I strive to support that independent investigation.

I love libraries – working in them, using them, and singing their praises. With experience in both academic and public libraries, I marvel at all the ways librarians serve their patrons. I also love speaking with people who want to know more about working as a librarian, so please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.