Youth In Development

Youth in Development Project Framework


Thai youth will be prepared for their roles as healthy, engaged citizens who contribute positively to their communities.   


- Project Time frame = 5 years (March 2016 to February 2021)

- Youth = 9 to 15 year old or member of the youth or student council or youth club in community.

- 30 PCVs per group

- 2 Group per year

- 60 PCVs per year

Goal 1: Improve Youth Life Skills and Community Leadership

Youth will have skills that enhance their own life opportunities and help them contribute to their communities. 

Objective 1.1: Improve Youth Functional English Skills

By the end of February 2021, 24,000 youth (80% of output) will demonstrate improved English conversation skills and confidence in speaking and understanding English. Total of youth 30,000 (output) will reach.                                                                                                  


Each year, 60 Volunteers and their counterparts will work with English classes in schools at the upper Elementary and Middle School level, with after-school English clubs, English camps, and informal community education programs to help youth practice and use the English they learn in school, to improve their confidence in using English, and to use English based activities to discuss and enhance life skills. Total of 6,000 youth (output) will reach each year. [Targets assume each Volunteer and counterpart works with approximately 100 youth each year.]                                                             

Objective 1.2:  Improve Life Skills

By the end of February 2021, 24,000 youth (4,800 per year) (80% of output) will demonstrate improvements in at least two life skill areas.      


Each year, 60 Volunteers and their counterparts will carry out life skills activities with 6,000 youth that support: decision making, building relationships with others, appreciating values, emotion and stress management, and positive gender norms through life-skills hour, camps, clubs, after school groups, and free hours during school. At the end of project total of 30,000 youth (output) will reach.  [Targets assume each Volunteer and counterpart works with approximately 100 youth each year.]

Objective 1.3:  Youth develop leadership skills through service learning activities

By the end of February 2021, 4,388 youth (65% of output) will demonstrate new leadership behaviors such as the ability to analyze community needs and create projects or community service activities that benefit the community. Total of youth 6,750 (output) will reach. 


Each year, 30 Volunteers and their counterparts will work with local Youth Councils, school-based youth groups, informal education centers who work with youth, and other community groups to promote youth leadership in the community through participatory community analysis and planning of service activities with the district government office, schools, or youth organizations. [Targets assume each Volunteer and counterpart works with approximately 45 youth each year.]

Goal 2:  Develop Healthier Lifestyles for Youth

Youth will have the knowledge and skills to lead a healthier life.

Objective 2.1: Improve sexual and reproductive health

By the end of February 2021, 8,640 youth (80% of output) will identify at least three strategies or behaviors that will help protect or promote their sexual reproductive health. Total of youth 10,800 (output) will reach.                                                                                               


Each year, 30 Volunteers and their counterparts will carry out a) sexual reproductive health (safe sex practices, abstinence, be faithful, condoms, delaying sex, health relationships, understanding puberty, teen pregnancy prevention activities) and b) STI and HIV/AIDS prevention activities through health education hour, camps, clubs, after school groups, free hour during school with 2,160 youth. [Targets assume each Volunteer and counterpart works with approximately 72 youth each year.]

Objective 2.2: Sports and Physical Activity

By the end of February 2021, 7,650 youth (100% of output) will incorporate new physical exercise or sports activities into their weekly schedule.  Total of youth 7,650 (output) will reach.


Each year, 30 Volunteers and their community partners will work with (1,530) youth in activities such as team sports (soccer, volleyball, basketball, etc.), and individual fitness activities, such as running, biking, swimming, active games, classes and workshops (yoga, meditation, etc.). Volunteers will use the activities to promote a healthy lifestyle and discuss topics such as teamwork, self-esteem and making good choices. [Targets assume each Volunteer and counterpart works with approximately 51 youth each year.]

Objective 2.3: Alcohol and Substance Use Prevention

By the end of February 2021, 8,520 youth (80% of output) will identify three personal strategies to avoid the use of drugs, alcohol, and other unhealthy substances.  Total of youth 10,650 (output) will reach.


Each year, 30 Volunteers and their community partners will provide formal and informal education and training sessions to 2,130 youth through youth clubs, extracurricular clubs, or work with existing groups such as sports teams to provide education and information on the effects of drugs and alcohol along with practicing resistance strategies. Other activities may include supporting, participating in or helping to organize campaigns with the district and sub-district governments. [Targets assume each Volunteer and counterpart works with approximately 71 youth each year.]

Click Here to download for further details and Thai translation

Project Work Plan

A general outline and work plan for two years as a YinD Volunteer.

YinD Project Work Phases _Th_Eng_ March 2018.pdf