Getting Funded

Visit PRC

PRC (Project Review Committee) Can help you out with funding so visit their website if you have questions or concerns

Funding from Peace Corps

Funding from Peace Corps actually comes from a variety of places (Thai government, US government, friends/family back home), but it all goes through the Project Review Committee. There are standardized forms that will first be reviewed by members of the PRC (fellow PCVs) then Peace Corps staff.

Other sources of Funding

This is a collection of sources that you can assist your community in applying for directly, however PCVs may not apply for non-Peace Corps-distributed funds in their own name or use the Peace Corps name in applying for outside funding.

  • American Chamber Thailand's Adopt a School Program
    • Donations are used for the construction of playgrounds, libraries, water tanks and water filtration systems, and other needed facilities for which government funds are limited.
    • Application (English) Application (Thai)
  • American Women's Club of Thailand (AWC)
    • The American Women’s club is committed to supporting social welfare projects in Thailand. AWC will consider funding the following areas:
      • Community self-help or income generating projects: Provide funds, supplies, or equipment to projects benefiting a community or group.
      • Medical: Provide funds or supplies to hospitals, clinics, schools or orphanages.
      • Nutritional: Provide funds or supplies for nutritional programs.
      • Education: Provide funds for books, supplies, scholarships, playground equipment, or teacher’s salaries.
    • Application
  • Weeboon
    • Thailand's crowdsourcing site similar to GoFundMe.

Non-Fund Resources

  • Paintbrush Diplomacy - Provides the materials to take part in their art exchange project
    • To participate, go to the contact us page, fill out your information, click Annual Art/Writing Exchange as your interest and they will send you the supplies and instructions to do the project. You then send the art back with photos of your kids attached. You will incur a small postage fee of about 300Baht.
  • Free books from Darien Book Aid and Books for Thailand


Talk to your counterpart many times about funding before applying. Determine who will be in charge of the funds, who will be in charge of spending the funds, etc. Be sure to collect all receipts no matter which fund you use. If you suspect corruption, you should be in charge of the funding (although for some PC funds your counterpart must be in charge). Sometimes it is not your counterpart that is corrupt, but a higher official (Nayoke, director of Health Clinic). In these cases, if possible, you could buy the supplies yourself then package them, and say the supplies were sent directly from an NGO (no money was involved). Be creative with your solutions to corruption, just don't get involved!