Behavioral Outcomes

Personality tells us quite a bit about the behavioral outcomes we can expect from a person, and there are several resources on personality types here. However, not everyone with the same personality will behave the same way, and our intentions don't always line up with our actions. Here are a few resources about predicting human behavior and the intention-action gap.

Excerpt: "Over my two decades as a behavior analyst at the FBI, I was able to implement and refine a reliable system for behavior prediction that could be easily taught and learned. This system works because it cuts to the core of human behavior and rests primarily upon a single fundamental truth: People will almost always act in their own best interests. Some people think that’s a cynical read, but I disagree. Self-interest is the heart and soul of human survival, the wellspring of achievement. And acting in one’s best interests can include any number of virtuous, altruistic goals."

Turning Intention Into Action

TEDxUChicago talk by Stephen Wendel

Excerpt: "How do people change behavior? Our surroundings matter much more than we think. In his talk, Dr. Stephen Wendel explains some simple ways to adapt our environment to change our behavior without fundamentally changing who we are."

Other ideas to further explore behavioral outcomes include conducting an exercise with your staff (address a conflict, discuss event performance), vary the circumstance, and explore "what could you have done?" You could also perform a behavioral chain analysis using the simple chart below.