Employee Experience Team

What is the Employee Experience Team (EET)?

The EET's purpose is to align the components of the National Weather Service (NWS) Headquarters organizations that focus on how employees function and engage within the organization in order to coordinate and expand efforts to improve the overall employee experience in NWS. The team also includes three members from the Field, to ensure the perspectives and experiences of all NWS employees are considered.

The Employee Experience Team (EET) serves as both 1) the coordinating body between the many offices that impact the employee experience, and 2) a Center of Excellence for employee experience best practices and knowledge.

The EET is designed to:

  • Create an integrated framework of policies and best practices to guide the NWS in meeting its workforce needs.

  • Foster a workplace that:

      • Values and reflects diversity, inclusion, belonging, and equity;

      • Continuously improves our organizational health;

      • Increases employee engagement;

      • Helps create a learning organization with opportunities for building excellence in technical skills and leadership competencies; and

      • Equips employees with information they need to operate effectively in a rapidly changing environment.

  • Provide a structured process for members of the team to exchange information, coordinate activities, share resources, and collaborate so that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts; and

  • Enable two-way communication between the EET and employees to 1) communicate EET initiatives and projects that will impact employees, and 2) obtain feedback from employees on a continuous basis to more quickly identify and address employee concerns and issues.

Primary Constituents

The primary constituents of the EET are all employees of the NWS. The EET aims to serve employees by first focusing its activities on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of management functions that impact employees. The team also serves as an advisor to the NWS EC and other Councils on initiatives related to the workforce.


Team participants include:

  • Behavioral Health & Wellness Officer

  • Chief Learning Officer (CLO) (co-chair)

  • Communications Director

  • Deputy CFO/Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)

  • Deputy Chief of Staff (CoS)

  • Director, EODMD

  • Director, OCFO2

  • Management and Program Analyst, OCFO2

  • OOE Director (co-chair)

  • OOE Deputy Director

  • OOE Organizational Health and Culture Lead

  • Field Delegates: Chief Program Officer, Central and Southern Regions, and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Deputy Director

On occasion, the EET may invite advisors from other offices for guidance on specific projects or issues.