
This site is for mature-minded souls who practise healing & spiritual growth through quiet meditation, mindfulness and occasional use of ancient plant medicines but only where legal in their respective countries.  Harm reduction & safety is paramount. No illegal substances or practices are shown or in any way promoted.  

Please observe safety guidelines at all times.  May your healing be progressive and continual. 

Using the sprit molecule as tool of healing and spritual benevolence

Do your research, but still hands down the most dimitri-efficent method ever.

My own favourite way of vaping Dimitri. Setup is a bit more involved than non-rebuildables, but reliable & smooth from threshold upto colossal single-rip power  

Choose rebuildable (above) if possible because non-rebuildables are neither as powerful nor foolproof in-use. However they're a simple & inexpensive route to sub ohm if you're unable to handle the (slightly?) more complex setup of rebuildables

Limited power & restricted airflow. But very simple, cheap, versatile, & generally works very well  

All about choosing & making a clean, pure & safe juice to suit your device. Let's do this right! 

Stoners please take note - and find somewhere else to wax lyrical about your habit