Mage scars

Mage scars are a condition that occurs in magefolk and anyone else who has contact with large ammounts of magic.


Mage scars occur over repeated or extreme contact with raw magic. Most often, magefolk are the ones affected because of their constant proximity to raw magic with little to no filter, although many magefolk are resistant to developing mage scars. Powerful magefolk and magefolk who push their magic repeatedly are more likely to get mage scars.


Mage scars differ depending on the type of magic the person was exposed to. When exposed to Ignidus magic, the person will develop large burn scars or warm patches of skin. In more extreme cases, the person's eyes will glow orange or the person may become resistant or immune to burns and heat.
Those exposed to Telan magic will gain crack-like marks along their skin or grey and brown discoloration resembling stone and earth. More prolonged exposure will cause a person's skin to harden like stone or for scales to develop.
Kiroko magic exposure can cause features such as claws, slit eyes, and green or brown discoloration of the skin, and in more pronounced cases the growth of a tail or flowers growing in the person's hair.
Rusiar magic is the least damaging, but exposure to it can cause detachment and daydreaming, as well as feathers growing on the person's back or a particularly fragile body. In extreme cases Rusiar magic can cause mage sight, which allows the person to see the echoes and remnants of magic. Many mages say that mage sight is overwhelming, since the sight of magic, particularly in mage cities, can cloud the vision and cause overstimulation and similar problems.
Amodoi magic can cause lightning scars or wind lines to appear on the skin, and in pronounced cases cause the formation of gills or weather-sensing.
Pyrsi magic is the most powerful kind of magic, and also the most varied. Exposure to Pyrsi magic can cause discoloration of the affected area, magic sight, eye or hair coloration changes, colored marks on the body, and in more extreme cases the formation of horns, tail, or other mutations.

All mage scars cause the affected person to be more sensitive to the kind of magic they were affected by. In rare cases, non-magefolk can develop magic as a result of this, more often when the magic user they were affected by intended for the effect to happen. Visible scars will glow when exposed to magic.

Known cases

There are many known cases of mage scars in Marisen, but few outside of that area. Jordan Pyrsi Amali and Katherine Pyrsi Denmai are two powerful Pyrsi magefolk who have mage scars left by prolonged exposure. Jordan's scars manifest themselves in discoloration of limbs, glowing eyes, and minor horn development. Katherine's scars are seen as lightning scars covering her chest and face as well as the growth of a tail. Khani, a non-mage, is an example of someone with scars from sudden exposure. His scars manifest in the loss of one limb, as well as dark green discoloration around the area and spiral markings on the chest. Minor clairvoyance abilities were also formed because of the exposure.

 More extreme cases have also been documented, such as the ancient magician Ikron Salus I, who sought to perfect his magic, but over time, his exposure to Ignidus magic resulted in the loss of functioning in his legs due to burn injuries, as well as his skin being too warm for anyone to touch. He died not long after the scars were recorded.