Northern Sirens

Quick facts

Government - Tribal/Krateocracy
Religion -
Ethnicity - Siren
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Northern sirens inhabit the waters between the arctic circle and the equator, tending to stay out away from shore.


Northern sirens only source of governance comes from the matriarch of their pod, who establishes a hierarchy within the pod and can be challenged by any member of a group. When a new matriarch is crowned, a new hierarchy is established, either by the challenger or by the pod members challenging each other for high ranks. Any conflicts are solved on the individual or pod level, rarely involving more than a few people at a time.


Northern sirens live in small pods of around 10-15, splitting off into different pods when they get too large. In some cases, sirens will be driven out of the pod if they aren't a useful member, leaving them to the mercy of the ocean or to find their own way on land. Each pod controls a nomadic cycle of territory, driving away other seafolk, especially sirens, when they arrive at a place at the same time. Fights between northern sirens are often one-on-one duels. 

There is a high value placed on self-sufficiency, and many sirens often spend much of their day alone or in smaller groups among their pod. They keep very few tools, and usually the only posessions a single siren will have are a knife and a small hide bag. 

Northern sirens are occasionally associated with Perineers, sailors who are looking for the skills that sirens have, namely ocean navigation and the magic sense they share with their other seafolk relatives. Since northern sirens are more independent and more likely to leave their pod than southern sirens, they make perfect fits for the wandering sailors.