
Quick Facts

Government: Monarchy/Feudalism
Religion: Illutatsu
Ethnicity: Kanburian
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Kanburi is a kingdom to the north of Siniva, known for textiles and dyes.



The Kanburian government is a monarchy ruled by the Empress. Directly below the Empress is a council of advisors that hold nearly the same status. There are traditionally nine advisors that represent things like agriculture, military, and wealth. These advisors are called Hejans. Below them are the Getans, who oversee aspects of life in the court, such as art or cooking. The Getans are also responsible for documenting recipies and traditions of the people. The land is split into many states, ruled over by a Ketu, or governer. These people control trade and wealth in their region, and all messages to the court are sent through them. Individual villages are ruled over by Haipus, who control a small web of villages within the state.



Kanburian culture focuses on beauty and religion. There is a prominent belief that the gods are involved in everyday life, and so there are shrines and images of the gods featured in everyday architecture and art.


Kanburian architecture is sleek and traditional, with flowing lines and carved pillars. there is a lot of emphasis on vertical motion, and painted ceilings are common, to draw the eye upward. The roofs are tall and pointed, with corners that curve downward like claws. Most houses are made of wood, with ceramic roof tiles painted in bright colors. Doors have two panels, one at the top and one at the bottom, and can each be opened seperately. Houses have ventilation slits cut into the wall, just below the roof. These allow air to move in and out, cooling the house during the day. Inside, the house is open, with rooms marked by sliding screens.

Kanburian clothing is known for being layered and gathered in elaborate pleats and folds, and is often used to showcase wealth and status. Some of the most expensive fabrics are transluscent and shimmer in the sunlight. Most people wear shin-length skirts, often with pleats or ruffles if they can afford, and loose tops with sleeves gathered at the elbow. Shirts are always pinned left over right for men, and right over left for women. Higher-class people often wear many layers, with a base skirt and wrapped top. These layers take many forms, such as long skirts, draping sleeves, and ruffles. Rice, chicken, and beef make up most of the Kanburian diet, and these foods are cultivated all around Kanburi. Foraged foods such as mushrooms and chesnuts are common in regional cuisines as well. Animal products such as eggs and milk are used often, and can be found in many foods. The most common foods to find are Giri, steamed dumplings filled with mushrooms and beef; Hatia, a stir-fried dish with chicken and mushrooms; and Korogita, small cakes made with rice flour.



People from Kanburi are called Kanburian. Most of the population is vishi, although there is a stable population of Elysian and Paxui sukhets. The most widely spoken language is Kanburian, although many can speak Sini, the language of Siniva.



The most widely practiced religion in Kanburi is known as Ilutasu. Different regions place importance on different deities. For example, the north has more focus on the spirit Nosu, the storm horse, while the east has Hasu, the rabbit spirit of messangers.