
Quick Facts

Government - Council/tribal
Religion - Nduthet
Ethnicity - Adebi/Nudusari
Pinterest board - Aberia 


Aberia is a country north of Elys best known for its bright clothing and strong spirituality. Inhabited mostly by Nudusari farmers, they are nomadic and peaceful.


Aberia is loosely governed by a Peace Council, called the Raami, who keeps the balance between the forest people, the Adebi, and the plains herders, the Nudusari. The Adebi and Nudusari are otherwise independently governed and make contact only at the borders between their respective lands. They are both considered Aberians because theirs is the land to the east of the northern river and the two cultures share a close relationship forged many years ago.


Aberian culture is defined by the two seperate cultures that inhabit it. Northwestern Aberians, who are closer to the Adebi culture, can be identified by their tasseled clothing and tents made from woven reeds. They are hunters, and do not keep many animals of their own besides a domesticated breed of painted dog kept as guards and hunting companions.

Southeast Aberians, who identify with the Nudusari, are noticable because of their brightly colored clothing and tents, as well as the many sheep they keep with them. Small, domesticated sand drakes can occasionally be seen traveling with Nudusari tribes.

The few permanent settlements are places of power held by facets of the Raami, and are designed to mimic both the environment and cultural influences. The Eastern Raami Throne is designed to mimic savanna trees, and has wooden pillars carved in the shape of trees and animals, and a flat roof with a Nudusari cloth tent over it. The Western Raami Throne features a lot of arches and screens woven from leaves and reeds, and has a distinct Adebi carving style. There is something to be said about the influence of Elysian architecture and painting.

Throughout history, the Nudusari and Adebi people have had a close trade relationship, and it shows through to the current age. In times of struggle, such as drought and famine, the people help each other, no matter their culture. 

The religion, Nduthet, is partly a product of trade with Elys and contact with Elysian Ndusari.


The people of Aberia are mainly Sukhets of the Ndusari and Adebi cultures.