
Quick Facts

Government - Theocracy
Religion - Modhir Dyrs
Ethnicity - Dyarsic
Pinterest board - Dyarsvot 


Dyarsvot is a tight-knit and organized society nestled inbetweeen two tributaries, and the territory extends into the Giant's Wall, a large mountain range that hosts a variety of wyverns and drakes.



Dyarsvot is traditionally a monarchy, ruled by a Tabya (masculine), Tabyo (feminine), or a Tabye (neutral). In most documents, the monarch is reffered to as Tabye. The role is hereditary, passing down to the oldest child. The Tabye is advised by a council of five Danis, each specializing in different roles: military, religion, husbandry, trade, and law.

For around half a century now, however, a new theocratic leadership that calls itself Tabye Dyrs, roughly translating to Crowned Dragon, has formed after a period of contested rule. The new Tabye has instated a militia of wyvern riders who regularly patrol the outer lands and monitor the border and the Giant's Wall



In almost every way, from their clothing to their transportation, Dyarsic culture is tied to the Rikell wyverns, 

Dyarsic architecture is built into the ground, and features sod roofs and small windows. Most houses are made of wood and have roofs that slant toward the north. The doors are typically to the south, east, or west of the building, and are sunken into holes. The floor of the building can be anywhere from 3-5 feet below ground, and most houses are only one or two rooms. Some family houses are connected with tunnels. The hearth of a building is traditionally opposite the stairs, surrounded by low furniture. The walls to the sides have alcoves carved into the ground for beds, and these alcoves are seperated from the main room by sliding doors. 

Dyarsic clothing is warm and fire resistant, made from the wool of the Rikell wyverns. In the summer, people wear knee-length robes with loose sleeves, pinned left over right. This robe is tied in the middle with a thick cloth belt. In the winter, the robes are thicker, and reach down to the ankles. The winter robes are lined with felted wool. The shoes are made of leather and wool, and are designed to be split toe shoes. 



People from Dyarsvot are known as Dyarsic. Most of the population is vityr, as not many others can stand the cold and harsh weather of the mountain and hills.



Dyarsic people believe in Modhir Dyrs, or the Dragon Mother religion, a polytheistic religion featuring dragons as the main deities.