Lee's Traveller

The Official Weekly Newsletter for the 

Lee High Classes of


November 18, 2024

Tommy Towery - Editor

The Little Grocery Store Near Rison

Tommy Towery

LHS '64

When I was trying to think of something to write about this week I remembered a little grocery store I used to stop in on when I was walking home from Rison in the first grade to my home on Halsey Avenue. It was located on the east side of a street called 5th Street back then (I think) but now is known as Andrew Jackson Way. I cannot recall the name of the store or much about it, except that it sold penny candy. I remember it being about the size of a normal home, and may have been a private residence before it was converted into a store.

I know there was a similar store on Oakwood, but this one was on Fifth. 

As I have stated before, I transferred to Rison Elementary in the First Grade, but by the time I entered the Second Grade my family had moved to East Clinton and I finished my elementary education at East Clinton Elementary School. But while attending Rison, I would walk past the little grocery store going and coming from school. And sometimes I had enough pennies to treat myself to some candy.

Shown about are three of my favorite candies that sold for one cent, hence the name "Penny Candy". There were a lot more I know, and perhaps some of you might let us know your favorite candies you bought for a penny. 

You might have a dish of similar candy treats left over from Halloween Trick-Or-Treat treats. Does anyone remember the name of the store I am talking about and if so, what else do you remember about it?

I know this is a short account, but it is designed to get you to thinking back about things like this and help me share those memories with the rest of our classmates.

The Wayback Machine

We had a good response to our Veteran's Day memories, which got a lot of hits on Youtube and Facebook. I received some new information on some additional Lee veterans which I need to incorporate into the video for next year.

Last Week's Questions, Answers, And Comments

Don Blaise, LHS ‘64, "Sandra - I am very sorry for your loss. Sara was a truly good person with a a closeness to you perhaps only we twins can really understand. My prayers are with you and her family."

Joel Weinbaum, LHS ‘64, "What a delight it was to have both Sara and Sandy Sue in our '64 class. Her memorial sounds exactly as I remember them back to '62 - '64.  To life!"

Gary Hatcher, LHS ‘66, "Thank You Tommy.  Nough said."