December 09, 2013


        Memphis, TN - Winter came in this past weekend and an ice storm hit Memphis, but not as bad as was predicted. This week's issue does not have much news in it, but instead is a video tutorial on how to navigate through this web site and some of the features available to you. I hope you can watch it and it helps you better understand the procedures.




Lee's Traveller

Video Tutorial

 by Tommy Towery

LHS '64


        In the last week I received two emails from veteran users who were unable to navigate to the current issue of Lee's Traveller once they got to the home page. I know that it is much different than it has been for the last 10 years, so I have made a video and posted it on youtube that should show you how to click on the things that need to be clicked on and on some of the new features of the site. I hope you can view it and understand how to make it easier to read the new issue each week.


The Video of the 2000 Reunion

of the Lee High School

Classes of '64-'65-'66

Part 6


        This week we continue featuring segments of the video tape made at the 2000 reunion and supplied by Niles Prestage, Class of '65. It will be broken down into approximately five minute segments and continued each week as permitted. We hope you enjoy these visits back and the chance to see some old classmates who are no longer with us.

 From Our Mailbox 

Subject:   Party Pic

Patsy Hughes Oldroyd

LHS '65

        Just wanted to send in this picture at an Alabama/Auburn party last weekend when I ran into two old Lee friends, Carl Scheer (L) and Brooks Wilbourn (R), both from my class of '65.

        Talk about being between a rock and a hard place! Ha  They were both pulling for Auburn, and I was faithfully cheering for Alabama. Guess we all know how that one turned out. They were not bragging too much, but Brooks did do a little bit of moon-walking and big time grinning. Carl was just grinning from ear to ear. Oh well, maybe next year.