210719 July 19, 2021

1960 Lee Jr High Generals

 Coach Hub Myhand

1960 Lee Generals Football

(The second season of Generals Football)

“Fuzz” Collins (CE) Wynn

LHS '64

    In 1960 the building and facilities that would fully become Lee High School in 1964 were still rudimentary in many ways.  We have all joked about how good life was being seniors throughout our Junior High and High School years and that was mostly true.  But there was a downside in that the school (our school) was never finished – there was always something being modified or added to accommodate the growing student population each year.  Construction was part of a never-ending cycle.

    Which is as good a way as any to introduce our football team from 1960.  Just like everything else, we were rudimentary in the ‘very’ sense.  Since the school did not yet have a gym or dressing rooms or anything else to support girls’ and boys’ athletic programs, we used the area directly in front of the office and behind the auditorium stage as the football dressing room.  It was all very temporary, we had no lockers and used folding chairs scattered around that area to hold our gear between practices and our clothes during practice.  I recall it smelled awful due to the accumulated sweat, grime and ammonia which accrued on the uniforms during the course of practices and games.  The school office was directly behind the scene of the group photo on the left and the dressing room would be behind on the right. 

    Although we had as good of uniforms as was normal in the day, I would not say they were outstanding.  Most of the time the players just had to make do for themselves.  If something was torn or otherwise needed repair, then home to mom they went.  Coach Myhand was a one-man staff and had all he could handle even with the help of a few parents.  During the summer and on the in-season practice days the uniforms and equipment were just left there on our individual folding chairs each day.  On game weeks we each took them home for our moms to wash and clean and we reported to the stadium (generally Goldsmith-Schiffman Field) dressed and ready to play.  Even transportation of the team was a family affair; each one of a group of parents would provide cars and drivers for out-of-town games. (I remember my dad driving 4 or 5 of us down to Gadsden for a game and buying us all a little something to eat afterwards.)  We rode to the games in clean uniforms and home in dirty ones.

    There were two versions of our uniform:  the one shown mostly white and the blue shoulders; and another that was mostly gray with blue shoulders, and it may even be they were for two different years.

    I am particularly fond of this photograph.  Who wouldn’t be?  These are all 13-14-year-old young men who are just beginning to chart the courses of their lives.  This was our very first opportunity to become each a man among men even on a junior high school level.  The lessons about bonding and teamwork were not lost on anyone.  Several of these young men went on to distinguish themselves serving on the real-world teams of the US military.

    Some of these young men remained in Lee football throughout their high school years.  Others, by whatever experience that befell them, left the team prior to graduation.  Families move; interests change.  The roster in this article is incomplete but filled in with as much information as is available.  Please feel free to fill in whatever additional information you may have.

    Enjoy the upcoming 2021 football season wherever and whoever you are!




        Memphis, TN - Please accept this note as an observation and not a condemnation. I know many of you do not share the same wonderful memories of past experiences of attending dances like some others of us do. I wish you all could. The dances of our times were a great part of growing up and many of us spent many weekend nights attending the various offerings available to us at the time. Unfortunately some were not allowed or did not elect to share those times.  Many friends,  girlfriend and boyfriends, were made on those special nights. Many loves were made and a number of hearts broken as well, but that was a part of growing up.

        Personally, I felt every dance needed to end with a slow song and the opportunity used to hold someone close and feel the warmth of her body next to mine. I know that was not the same for everyone. Dances ended at pre-determined times and we all knew when that was going to happen. Normally the band would make an announcement. If I was not with someone already, I ran around like a squirrel in a cage looking for someone to share that special moment with, and thanks to the kindness of the females of the time, I normally ended up with a partner. It was the old "Save the Last Dance for Me" scenario and if I did not find someone then the whole evening was spoiled. The same went for the odd band that elected to end their final set with a fast song instead of a slow, tender one. That was a big let down.

        My email announcements currently go out to 315 of you. I am sure many don't bother to either ask me to remove their name or do not click on the link each week to read the latest issue of Lee's Traveller. There are a few who do not end up on my mailing list, but still regularly visit the site each week. Last week, using the 315 number, I had 13 people (less than 5%) participate in my request to name a song which you would like to end the evening dancing with someone special. While that number is very low, it is the highest number of responses I have received to any of my past participation surveys. This time I even tried to make your responses anonymous and did not even ask for a name, only for your choice of a special song. 

        As a side note, when I first started this I made out a list of 10 songs which I thought might be selected. As of now, only two of those songs have been mentioned, but several of the others named by you have equal status as perfect "end of the evening with a special person" choices.

        In the past I have had several contributors of stories discontinue their efforts because of the lack of feedback on the work they put in to write an article which they felt would appeal to their classmates. That was one of the reasons I went to the "forms" method of making comments, instead of requiring an email. The forms make it simple to just respond at the moment and not have to go to the trouble of sending an email.

        For the 13 responders, I thank you with all my heart and will feature each song in a future issue until I cover them all. I feel there are at least a few of you who planned to make a comment, maybe even was taking the time to think of a response, but never got around to getting back to do so. For that reason, I am going to include the opportunity to participate one more time. Be aware your responses are anonymous unless you elect to put your name on your submission. If you do not, no one will know who submitted which song. If you do elect to add your name or other info then that will be acknowledged.

        Again, this is just my personal observation. Everyone who submits a memory likes to feel it was appreciated by their fellow classmates.

You've Got a Saxophone Friend

Randy Roman

LHS '65

        Randy Roman, LHS '65, wrote, "Billions of prayers have gone up, millions of acts of kindness have been done, while medical professionals still report to wards filled with Covid suffering.  Thank all of you for standing in that gap for all of us.  Winston Churchill said in a moment of national crisis for WWII England, "Never have so many owed so much to so few," in addressing RAF pilots and crews.  This is another time of such gratitude.  I have arranged and performed this beautiful Carole King song on my saxophone to offer peace, support and a moment of tranquility.  Atlanta spring abounds with new life and has provided the backdrop as we get well.  Know that you are loved and appreciated.

     I now dedicate this to Dr. John Drummond, specifically.  He has saved my life more than once."

    John Drummond, LHS '65, notes: "Randy Roman, LHS '65, lives in a suburb of Atlanta.  He composes and arranges music, plays the sax, flute, piano and possibly a few other instruments, creates musical videos, and still performs professionally with the sax and flute.  After retirement at age 66 Randy took up painting, and some of his pieces  have sold as high as four figures.  Most of the Class of 1965 should remember Randy, as he was elected Student Council President our senior year (I was vice-president, Deedee Locke secretary and Linda Davis treasurer.  Miss Ingram was our Faculty Sponsor).  We recently had dinner together post-pandemic, and he remains healthy and happy, with the same witty repartee which makes for fun and lots of laughter.  I want to be just like him when I grow up."

Last Dance Slow Song Choices

"Moon River"

Submitted by

John Drummond

LHS '65

    The choice of best "Hug and Sway" song is an easy one for me.  "Moon River" was written for the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's", the screenplay adapted from a novel penned by Truman Capote, starring Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard, and released in 1961.  The melody is by Henry Mancini and lyrics by Johnny Mercer. It won the Oscar for Best Song in 1961.   

    Hold your dancing partner close, turn down the lights, turn on Andy, and get turned on.  It is hard to believe that song came out 60 years ago.   Most of us probably knew the words by heart, but had no idea what the line "My Huckleberry Friend" meant.  I had to Google it to find out that the term refers to a special person in one's life, but not always a friend.  In the Western film "Tombstone,"  Doc Holiday (played by a cachectic Val Kilmer) tells the villain Johnny Ringo:  "I'm your Huckleberry" just before killing him in a gunfight. 

(Editor's Note: Following John's idea I also searched the internet for "Huckleberry Friend" and found my favorite definition as "To be one's huckleberry — usually as the phrase I'm your huckleberry — is to be just the right person for a given job, or a willing executor of some commission."

    "Moon River" was first performed by Hepburn (her real voice, not dubbed by a professional singer) during the movie, and later recorded by multiple artists, but the most popular version was by Andy Williams.   

Maura Farrell Daniell

LHS ‘68


From Our Mailbox 


Subject:    Rush Farrell, LHS '67

    Tommy, I am sad to report that my brother, Rush Farrell, LHS Class of 1967, passed away yesterday (July 11, 2021) due to a stroke.  After graduation he went into the army and spent a year in Vietnam. When his enlistment ended, he moved back to Huntsville and worked at Redstone Arsenal. Providence smiled upon him when he met Marilyn Murphy, a young teacher from Tuscaloosa. They married in 1974 and had a wonderful life together.  He is survived by Marilyn, daughter Shannon Dodson, son J Farrell, and 6 grandchildren. Rest In Peace, Rush.